Chapter 54

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Megan Watson's POV

A few weeks later, I walk towards the flat in the (for once) sunny London air.

His flat.

As I near it, I feel my heart beat increase in pace, and my breathing become heavier, deep breaths being taken every couple of seconds.

And then I reach his front door, standing there, feeling like just running away.

But I know I can't. So I knock on the door, taking yet another deep breath.

The door opens, and my heart beats even faster, but then I realize it isn't him that has answered - it is Louis.

"Megan? Oh my god!" He exclaims, grabbing my arm and practically dragging me into the flat.

"Uh, hi," I say uncertainly as he closes the door behind me.

"You're here to.. to see Harry?" He asks in shock. I nod my head, not knowing why he's making such a big deal out of this. He grins, "Thank God. I love you. Thank you so much."

"Louis, what are you talking about?"

"You're going to talk to him! Do you not understand how much that'll affect him?" He asks.

"I have no clue what you're talking about," I say.

"Weren't you told?" He asks.

"Told what?!"

"Harry. When you broke up, he just, sorta... I don't know. He just lies in his bedroom all day, and a lot of the time when I come up to try talk to him, he's crying. I'm not joking. He loved you, Megan. He still does. Seriously," Louis says.

"Are you serious?" I ask in shock. I honestly thought Harry would've gotten over me by now.

"I swear to god," he says seriously.

"Oh my god," I say under my breath, "Is he upstairs?"

"Yeah, he's -" Louis starts but I've already taken off up the stairs, and I stop outside Harry's room. Dusting myself off, I take a deep breath before opening the door to his bedroom.

I take a step inside, closing the door behind me. I look at his bed to see what I'm guessing is Harry, huddled up in a pile of blankets, his back facing me, all that is able to be seen of him being his messy hair.

"Harry?" I say quietly.

He shuffles around slightly, but does nothing else.

"Harry?" I repeat.


"Harry. It's me."

He does nothing for a moment, before turning around and sitting up, his eyes wide, "Megan?"

I nod my head nervously. He gets up from the bed and walks over to me.

He stand right in front of me, and I see tears in his eyes, the same in mine.

"I'm so sorry," he says, his voice cracking, before leaning down slowly and pressing his lips to mine.

I don't object, kissing him back. We stand there for a while, just crying and kissing each other, before I pull away, my forehead resting against his, as I cry softly, looking down.

He leans down after a moment, pressing his lips softly back to mine. Tears stream down both our faces as we kiss, before I pull away again, looking at him with sorrowful eyes.

"I just want to set things straight, okay? Please let me," he begs.

I sigh, nodding my head, "Go ahead."

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