Chapter 10

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Megan Watson's POV

"What?" He asks, looking at the picture of us.

"Was that from Disney?" He asks.


The picture is of us walking to the 'Space Mountain' ride together, as the others wanted to go on a different ride.

"Just - just ignore them," he murmurs.

"You don't mind?" I ask him.

"No." He shrugs with a slight smile. He begins to walk down the stairs, me following close behind. We walk into the living room, where Erica and Liam are talking, while Zayn, Niall and Delilah are on an iPad and Louis is texting on his phone.

An idea pops into my mind and I smirk, slowly nearing Louis. He doesn't notice when I am just in front of him, so I quickly snatch the phone out of his hands.

"Hey!" Louis exclaims. A smirk appears on Harry's face and he says to me, "Give it to me! I have a bone to pick with him."

I hand the phone to him as Harry smirks, "It's payback time."

"No!" Louis begs, "Haz! I'm sorry! I'll never text anyone on your phone again!"

"Too late," Harry says, typing a text. I grin deviously as I glance at what he is typing.

To: CeCe

Oh, CeCe! The way you fli -

Wait, CeCe?

"Louis, your texting CeCe?" I laugh, "From Disney?"

He looks down, "Yeah, so. She's nice. And funny. Plus, she has a cool name, and you don't even know it!"

"Yeah, I do. It's CeCe..." I murmur, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope! It's not! It's Siobhàn!" He exclaims proudly, seeming to have completely forgotten about the situation until Harry throws Louis back his phone.

"HARRY! She's gonna think I'm weird!" Louis exclaims.

"Louis, you are weird." Harry chuckles.

"What did you say in the text?" I ask Harry.

"He said 'Oh CeCe, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed so come on come on and steal my heart tonight'." Louis glares at Harry.

"Good mash-up, Harry," I say.

He chuckles, "Why thank you."

"Ugh, PDA," mutters Louis. I furrow my eyebrows together.

"How is talking PDA?"

"It just is, okay? And anyways, I am not the only one who has been contacting people."

Harry and I give him blank stares.

"Two certain people in this room have."


"I MEAN THAT YOU TWO ARE DATING!" Louis screams, startling everyone in the room. That doesn't even make any sense...

"What? They are?" Zayn asks.

"Oh my God! Really, Meg? That's so cool!" Delilah squeals excitedly.

"No, we're not!" I tell them.

"Oh," says Zayn, before turning his attention back to the iPad.

"Louis, where did you hear that? You don't read articles about me, do you?" Harry asks.

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