Chapter 9

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Megan Watson's POV

"You're Harry's girlfriend?" asks Erica with wide eyes.

"N-no, I'm just his friend!" I turn my gaze back to Erica, biting my lip nervously.

"Wait, so you mean that you know One Direction?" She gasps.

"Yeah," I murmur.

"Wow! That's so amazing! I'm quite a big fan of theirs, actually. You're so lucky, and you're real pretty too!" She exclaims.

I smile shyly, "Thanks, Erica. You could meet them if you wanted to.."

Her eyes light up, "I could? Oh my god, that would be.. AHHH! Sorry, but are you serious? I really could?"

I chuckle, "Yeah, I'm sure they won't mind. Actually, Niall is here right now. I should tell him about.." I glance at the magazine, "that, and introduce you to him."

"Oh. My. God. Thank you! Your like my best friend, even though I just met you," she squeals, pulling me into a hug.

I chuckle, "Thanks! Now, let's go find Niall."

She grins as we walk to where I left Niall. Erica's eyes widen when she sees him. I gently push her forward, as she had stopped in her tracks.

"Niall," I say.

"Megan, do you think I should get th-" he stops in mid-sentence when he sees I'm with another girl, "Who's this?" He asks.

Erica seems speechless so I speak for her. "She's Erica, she's really nice, and a big fan of you and the boys."

He smiles and holds out a hand for her to shake, "Nice to meet you, Erica."

"You too, Niall," she murmurs shyly.

"She wanted to know if maybe she could meet the rest of the boys," I tell Niall, who nods.

"Sure!" He grins as Erica smiles widely.

"Erm, Niall, there's actually something else I need to tell you," I say.

"Yeah? What's that?" He asks as he tries to decide what cereal to get.

"Look," I mumble, handing him the magazine.

He furrows his eyebrows together as he reads it, "Oh... Don't mind that, they're always trying to make something out of nothing. Once you know it's not true, that's all that matters."

"Thanks, Niall," I smile at him.

We go around shopping for a while when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out and look at the message.

From: Harry Styles

Hi :) where are you and Niall ? x

I type back a reply.

To: Harry Styles

Shopping for breakfast. We'll be back soon!

I decide not to mention the magazine until we get back.

From: Harry Styles

see you soon then :)

I decide to change his name in my contacts as it seems too formal to use his full name.

Harry :P

I press save with a small smirk and slide my phone back into my jeans pocket.

"Okay, that's everything, I think," Niall says as he walks up to a counter to pay for the stuff. A bald man with a bored look on his face scans the items, obviously not recognising Niall.

I chuckle to myself, imagining him fangirling over him.

"That comes to $32.93," the man mutters.

Niall hands him a note and begins to pack the items into bags. The man give him the change, Niall thanking him, and we walk out of the supermarket.

"You guys are sure I can come?" asks Erica, "I really don't want to intrude."

"Course!" Niall exclaims as he unlocks his car, opening the back door for Erica. She gets inside with a smile, I doing the same. We drive towards the house in a comfortable silence.

Soon, Niall parks the car outside the house and we get out. Erica awes at the house and grins excitedly. Niall smirks as he opens the door of the house and Louis scrambles to the door.

"MEGAN! I MISSED YOU!" He screams, pulling me into a tight hug. Niall furrows his eyebrows together and pouts.

"Oh," Louis mumbles, "You too, Nialler." Then he spots Erica, "Who are you and why are you tresspassing in mah house?!" He screams.

Erica bites her lip, trying not to laugh. "She's Erica," I inform him, "She's cool."

"I'm hot," Louis spits before strutting into the living room. Erica laughs, as do Niall and I.

Harry hops down the stairs, holding a toothbrush.

"Goo we huff hair?" He smirks, with the toothbrush in his mouth.

"What?" asks Niall.

"I said," Harry speaks clearer, "Who do we have here?"

"I'm Erica," Erica smiles at him, "I met Megan and Niall in the supermarket."

"Oh, cool." Harry nods before going back up the stairs.

I turn to Erica, "Could I borrow your magazine for a second?"

"Yeah, sure," she agrees, handing it to me. I murmur a thanks before taking off up the stairs.

"Harry?" I call as I jog up.

"Mm, yeah?" He says from one of the rooms. I follow his voice until I'm outside a door. Just as I reach it, he comes out.

"What's up?" He asks, glancing down at the magazine in my hands.

"Harry," I hold the magazine up for him to see, "People think we're dating."


A/N: What's Harry gunna say? x)

WHO DO YOU SHIP? I really really wanna knowww :)

Megarry, or Nigan...? :D

You guys actually ship people! How awesome is that? I think it is x) I was so happy to see people commenting who they ship, so if you did/do, thank you! xo

And btw, Erica is a real-life friend of mine and she is AWESOME! So if you're reading this, HI ERICA :D AND ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS!!<3

Thanks for reading,

meltedpopsicle :)

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