Chapter 29

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Harry Styles' POV

I bite my lip as I drive my car towards the flat.

I am excited about the party, to be honest.

When I stop the car at a red light, I decide to slip out my phone and look at my recent conversations.

I smile to myself as I read the texts between Megan and I from last night. We had stayed up half the night texting each other.

I see the traffic lights turn green from the corner of my eye and start to drive ahead. It isn't that busy tonight, actually.

When I feel it's safe enough to look away from the road, I do, continuing to look at our texts, the smile creeping back onto my face at the thought of Megan.

Before I know what's happening, there's a loud beep of a car, and a bright light shining in my face. I feel a sudden force smash into the car, and I find it difficult to comprehend with what is happening. Everything becomes a blur and I feel myself lose control of any part of my body, before darkness envelopes me.

Megan Watson's POV

"Oh my gosh. You look so pretty, Megan!"

"I don't, but thank you. You both look so pretty, oh my god," I tell them honestly, as I look at my reflection in the mirror, inspecting my dress. It was really nice of Harry to buy me it, he shouldn't have. I'm wearing red lipstick and foundation, mascara and a mix of red and black eyeshadow, to match my dress.

"Aw, thank you." Erica smiles before looking at the time, "Okay. It's just about eight. The driver'll be here any minute, do I look okay?"

She is wearing a purple dress that goes half-way down her thigh, with a black belt around her upper stomach, and the back has a small patch of her back exposed at the back, in the shape of a diamond.

"You look great," CeCe tells her, "Do I?"

CeCe is wearing a similar dress, only in pink.

"Yeah, you look really nice," I say and as we walk downstairs there is a beep from outside.

"That'll be him now," Erica tells me, and I nod before opening the front door to see a big black car outside my house and another car pulling up just behind it. As we walk towards the black car I become surprised when I see Liam, Niall and Zayn run out of the car that had just pulled up.

"Uh... hi?" I say uncertainly to the three, wondering what's going on.

"Megan," Niall says breathlessly, running up to me and holding my arms.

"What's... What's going on?" I ask him, looking at the other two boys who are talking urgently to Erica and CeCe.

"Harry... h-he... he was driving back from your house and.. he crashed, Megan," Niall tells me with worry and sorrow in his eyes.

"W-wha- You're kidding, right?" I ask him, feeling my breathing become heavier in worry and a sore feeling in my chest, as if I'm going to stop breathing, or maybe choke.

"No, I'm not," he says, his voice cracking, showing that he is upset too.

"H-he's okay, isn't he?" I murmur quietly, the feeling in my chest only growing bigger, and I start to cry without realising.

He sighs, "I dunno, Meg. Louis' already left for the hospital, and Liam's party's been cancelled. Don't cry, Megan."

He pulls me into a hug and I cry into his chest, seeing as I only reach up to there. It is comforting to be in Niall's arms as I cry. It strikes me that Niall is sorta like a best friend to me, there to look out for me when I need it.

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