Chapter 13

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Megan Watson's POV

As I look for clothes, I hear Erica ask, "So, what time are you leaving for London?"

"Erm." I furrow my eyebrows together, trying to decide what to wear. "8 tonight." I decide on a simple red tank top and jeans. I carry them into the bathroom and take the quickest shower of my life, before drying my hair and slipping my clothes on. I get a bobbin from one of the small drawers under the bathroom sink and put my newly cleaned brown hair into a messy bun on top of my head.

When I walk back in, Delilah is dressed and rubbing her eyes.

"Megan!" She exclaims when she sees me. "Did you know CeCe and Erica are here?"

I laugh, "Yeah. Did they tell you the boys are coming over soon?"

"The boys? As in, One Direction?!" She squeals. I nod with a grin.

"Yay, yay, yay!" She jumps around, her long brown hair bouncing with every jump. I smile and look at the clock. 11:43. Not long till the boys will be here.

I help Delilah brush her hair out and then go back into the bathroom to put on some make-up. I put on some lipstick, concealer and mascara, and such - as I usually did. I walk out of the bathroom.

"Louis says there just about here," CeCe tells me. "Well actually, he says 'redrum, redrum, on the first floor.'"

I laugh and just then a voice outside the door a voice says. "Redrum, redrum, outside your door."

Delilah screams. "Delilah! It's just Louis!" I assure her with a slight laugh, walking over to the door. The second I open it, I'm jumped at.

"Boo!" Many voices say at once.

"Guys! You scared Delilah," I scold with a small laugh.

They laugh and walk inside. Instantly, it's a hullabaloo. Louis jumps on the couch.


He jumps over the back of the couch and lands on the couch, taking the TV remote and flicking through channels. CeCe rolls her eyes at him. Liam walks over to Erica and they start to talk. Delilah runs at Zayn and starts to mess up his hair, and Zayn's eyes widen as she does so.

"Megan?" an Irish voice I recognise says.

"Yeah?" I ask him.

"Do you - uh," he looks down at the ground, "Have any food? I slept in and didn't have much time for breakfast."

I laugh. "Yeah, over in the lower press to the right of the sink."

"Thanks." He smiles and starts to walk over to the kitchen part. I look around the room and notice one thing missing - Harry.

"Hello," Harry's voice murmurs from behind me. Like, right behind me. I jump and turn to face him.

"Harry!" I scold, smacking his arm as he smirks, "You scared me!"

"I know." He continues smirking. "So, you're leaving here today?"

"Yeah. Back to London for me," I say. "What about you? Where's your next stop on the tour?"

"Uh, New Jersey," he tells me, "We're going there in four days."

"That's cool." I nod.

"People, people!" A voice calls. I face where it came from. Louis.

"Since it's Delilah and Megan's last day, we need to do something fun!" He announces from the middle of the room.

"Yeah, like what?" Liam questions.

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