Chapter 21

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Megan Watson's POV

My eyes widen as the ride slowly starts to go into darkness.

"Harry, I can't do this. I need to get off this now! I -" I start to panic, I was never one for scary things.

Harry chuckles, "Nothing's happened yet, and when it does, I'll be here."

I look around in the dim light the ride is now in and when it goes into complete darkness I move closer to Harry slightly.

Suddenly, a huge ghost pops up in front of the ride with a scream, causing me to scream at the top of my lungs before burying my face into Harry's shoulder.

Harry chuckles at me and when another loud scream echoes through the ride I squeeze Harry's arm, trying not to scream.

"You're such a baby." Harry comments and I can feel practically him smirking.

"It's your fault I'm on this thing." I mumble, my head still buried into his t-shirt.

"Yeah, well -" he begins before the ride takes a fast plunge downwards and I scream. Harry puts an arm around my waist, securing my body that is curled tightly into him.

After more drops and screams, the ride starts to slow down.

"Is it over?" I ask, my voice slightly muffled because of me being crushed into him.

"Yeah." He chuckles.

"Are you sure?" I ask, peeking through my fingers where I see the small amount of light from the night sky. "Yes! Thank you, God!"

He laughs lightly at me as I try to sit up straight but his arms are still around my waist.

"Harry." I frown. "Let me sit up."

He smirks amusedly, "Actually, I'm quite comfy here."

"Harry. We need to get off the ride," I tell him.

He shakes his head with a smile playing on his lips.

I try to get out of his hold but his grip is too strong and I sigh, crossing my arms over each other.

The same woman that showed us to our cart comes over and unlocks the bars so we can get up.

As she walks over Harry wraps his arms tighter around me so I'm smushed into him and starts to sway from side to side. The woman looks at us with a freaked out expression.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I ask with my cheek pressed into his.

"Trying to annoy you," He says and I can feel him smirk.

I roll my eyes at him and the woman walks away after unlocking our cart.

Harry finally lets me go and we step off the ride and go out into the cold night air.

"Which way did they go?" I ask Harry, looking around the park for any sign of Niall and the others.

"Erm, I think they went that way." Harry says, pointing to a ride in the distance that reads 'Galactic Spin'.

"Okay." I murmur before walking in the direction of the ride with Harry following me.

We reach the ride but see no sign of the boys.

"Where are they?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows together.

"HEY! HARRY, MEGAN!" A voice shouts and we look up to see them all on a ride called 'Drop-Zone'.

The ride drops and goes back upwards again.

"What will we do now?" Harry asks.

"Wait?" I shrug.

"No. That's boring. How about we go on that ride again?" He asks, perking up.

"No way." I reply firmly.

He chuckles, "I'm messing." He looks over to the right of us. "Let's sit on that bench over there." He suggests.

"Mmkay." I nod and we walk over to the old red bench and sit down.

We just sit silently when I suddenly feel tired. I feel my eyelids start to droop and before I know it I've snuggled into Harry and fallen asleep.


"Should we stay, or?" I hear a voice whisper.

"Didn't her mum say she'd be back tonight? It's like half ten."

"We can't just leave her here."

"Harry, she's eighteen. She doesn't need a babysitter."

"I nev-"

"Does anyone know her mum's number? Maybe if we -"

"Why would we know her mums number?"

"Or maybe, we should just wake her, like normal people."

I rub my eyes and sit up to see Louis, Niall, Zayn, Harry and Liam standing in front of my bed.

"Wha- why are you in my bedroom?" I ask them confusedly, still half-asleep.

"Because you fell asleep at the fair." Liam reminds me.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I suddenly got tired." I apologise to them.

"It's fine. Your mum's not back yet, didn't she say she'd be back by now?" Liam asks.

"Oh, I'll, erm, call her then." I mumble and take my phone out of my jeans pocket, that I am still wearing.

I tap a few buttons and then press the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" Mum's voice says from the other line.

"Hey, mum. It's Megan. How come you're not back yet?" I ask, playing with a stray string on my jeans.

"Sorry, hun. I got delayed at work and now Delilah is staying over at her friends. I'll be back sometime tonight, but not till pretty late." She explains.

"Oh, okay." I say.

"Are you by yourself?"

"No, the boys are still here."

"Are they staying over again?"

"I don't think so, no." I reply.

"Okay. See you later then." She says.

"Bye." I mumble tiredly and hang up, plopping my phone down on the bed beside me. I sit up, walking over to the door and opening it. I walk tiredly down the stairs with the guys following me.

When I reach the end of the stairs, I turn to the boys.

"Thanks for coming over last night, I had fun." I thank the boys.

"No problem. We'll see you soon, yeah?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah." I smile, before saying goodbye to them all.

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