That's not how I was raised

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Chapter song: Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo━━━━━━━━╰☆╮━━━━━━━━

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Chapter song: Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo

"They used to call him what?" Lucy asked.

At lunch the sisters, their respective best friends and Lucy sat in some kind of gray stairs where a lot of other people sat around them too.

They were talking about Seth Acosta since he was skating and doing some tricks in front of them. He was wearing a white shirt and some moss green pants.

When Ezra picked Lucy up from her house they asked her if she was gonna be sitting with them at lunch, she obviously said yes. At lunch Lucy and Kate were introduced to eachother, quickly liking the other. Kate thought Lucy was very nice, she still didn't get why her best friend was so exited about the idea of the five of them eating together. Little did she knew that the youngest latina was developing a crush.

"Seth the Shrimp." Answered Ezra side eyeing his best friend who was lookng directly towars Seth's direction with a dumb smile in her lips.

"He grew a little during summer though." Said Vale to her friend group."He told me in english class."

"Hmm did he now?" Ezra said with a playfull tone.

"I think he's cute so I would go for it." Said Lucy.

"He's more than cute if you ask me. He is so nice to everybody all the time. But anyways we just talked a couple of times, I woudln't mind talking to him more though." As she said this Seth lifted his shirt to clean the sweat that was on his face.

"Damn." Whispered five quiet voices, hidden by other voices around them, at the same time.

"Okay guys stop looking it's weird." Said Kate noticing the rest of them looking at the kind guy.

"I think he's gonna need a new nickname." Mantioned Dani. The rest nodded their heads agreeing with the freshman girl.

Seth skated in from of them. Ten pair of eyes following each movement, just when he was in from of them he did a trick, expecting any kind of reaction he could get from the group, hoping it would come from the oldest García, he did received a reaction, and from a García, just not the one he was hopinf for.

"That's the way you do it, tell them Acosta!" Exclaimed Dani, who was not totally surprised since she had seen him skate before, buth knowing she was gonna get a reaction form her sister and the skater boy, she did it anyway.

"Thanks Dani!" He exlaimed back, a kind smile on his lips, skating away from them.

"Dani?" Asked Ezra mimiking the other male teenager. "Watch your back Vale." Dani laughed and Vale blushed a little, knowing that she now might have a crush.

Lucy went to buy a soda, Vale asking if she could go with her. Lucy went to the vending machine while Vale went to throw something in the trash at the same time as the quite, blonde girl from her english class.

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