Chapter 5

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"Maybe you shouldn't go to school today," Charlotte is zipping Melody's black skirt while the girl puts on her long sleeve, grey shirt.

"Mom, I'm fine," the girl says as she turns to look at her mom. Charlotte is wearing a frown on her lips and her eyebrows are furrowed together as she looks at her daughter.

The older redhead sighs, "fine, but if you feel anything at all, then call me and I'll pick you up wherever you are." Melody only laughs lightly before grabbing her backpack and stuffing her signed permission slip inside it.

"Remember, call me whenever you want," Charlotte repeats herself again when she drops Melody off at school.

"Bye mom," Melody giggles and makes her way to her car. Her breath catches in her throat when she sees the dent on the side of her car where Tyler's van got to hit it. Her eyes follow the glass shards scattered around the ground. If she closes her eyes she can still perfectly see Edward's outstretched hand as he stops the van from hitting her.

Melody is so focused on thinking back on everything that happened yesterday that she doesn't notice Mike talking to her until he's in front of her. "You're alive," he says jokingly. Melody smiles at him before her eyes focus on something, or rather someone, over his shoulder.

Edward's standing still near a bus, almost like he's listening to something. "So, what do you say?" Melody blinks before turning to look at Mike who has a nervous look on his face.

"About what?" She asks.

"You and me, going to prom, together." Melody curses herself for not paying attention, she knew this was coming she just didn't know when. She hasn't even given any thought to prom at all.

"Sorry, I'm not going to be in town that weekend," Melody tries to sound as convincing as she can. "I'm going to be in Seattle."

"Can't you go another weekend?" She can, but she's not going to let him know that.

"Can't, mom had already made plans for that day since before we moved here," it isn't a complete lie. Charlotte is planning on taking Melody to Seattle, although which day wasn't specified. "You should ask Jessica though, I know she really wants to go with you."

"You think?" He asks.

"Yeah, hey look I have to go, but I know she'll say yes," with that Melody leaves, ignoring Edward's eyes as they follow her.

She enters the bus to find that Bella already saved a seat for her. "How are you?" Her friend asks.

Melody is thankful for Bella, for everything that she did for her yesterday. "Fine, by the way, thank you for taking care of me yesterday."

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