Chapter 8

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That morning when she wakes she knows she's sleep deprived. She hardly slept at all, she spent the whole night twisting and turning. The image of those guys grabbing her and touching her kept replaying inside her head; keeping her awake for most of the night. When she did manage to sleep her dreams consisted of Edward sucking her dry of every single ounce of blood in her body.

She grabs the first things she can find in her closet, a blue dress with white roses printed on it,, her white sneakers and her white leather jacket.

She hardly speaks to her mom during breakfast, her mind occupied with what she read last night. Melody comes to the conclusion that she will avoid Edward today as much as she can, somewhere in the back of her mind she can hear a voice calling her a liar.

She holds onto that resolution up until she gets to school and sees him standing there, already waiting for her. Her stomach turns and her blood roars in her ears as she exists her car, bypasses him, and heads into the surrounding forest.

The redhead knows he follows her, she can practically taste the sweetness that always accompanies him and his family.

Melody stops walking when she's sure they're a good distance from school. She can feel the coldness he radiates as she stands behind her. She grips her jacket closer to her body as she thinks on what to say.

"You're impossibly fast, not to mention strong. You're skin is pale white and ice-cold. Your eyes change color, and you sometimes speak as if you're from a different time," she feels him take a step closer to her. "I haven't seen you eat or drink. When the sun is out you are not.

How old are you?" She asks, her voice coming out as no more than a whisper.

"Seventeen," he answers quickly.

"How long have you been seventeen?" She asks just as quickly.

"A while," he's so close to her she can feel his lips touching the shell of her ear. A hand comes up to touch her back, making Melody shiver.

"I know what you are," Melody is sure she's going to faint right on the spot.

"Say it. Out loud," he whispers in her ear.

She swallows, closing her eyes before turning to look at him dead in the eyes, "a vampire," she tries to stop her heart from beating so fast, but she can't.

"You're afraid," he says sadly, taking a small step away from her.

"No," she quickly says. "I'm just in shock that vampires are real."

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