Chapter 10

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She wakes and can't help but feel nervous

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She wakes and can't help but feel nervous. In about an hour Edward will come pick her up and take her to school. She has a feeling people will have many opinions on it.

Melody walks to her closet and pulls out a violet skirt and a black, long-sleeve shirt which she tucks into her skirt. She decides to use her black boots. She leaves her hair as it is, only collecting hair from both sides of her head and connecting them in the back with a couple of bobbypins.

When she makes her way to the kitchen she finds pancakes on a plate and a note from Charlotte telling her she had to go in early for work. Melody is kind of glad her mom will not be there to see Edward picking her up, she's certain her mom would've gone out and introduced herself and Melody is not ready for that.

She's washing her plate when she hears the honking of a car. Butterflies make themselves known in her stomach as she walks to the window and sees Edward, leaning against his car as he stares at her where she peaks, a handsome smirk on his face.

Melody shakes her head before shutting the blinds and grabbing her backpack. Breathe in, breathe out, she tells herself and opens the door, stepping outside.

"Well don't you look handsome today," she whistles at her boyfriend, God what a strange word that is, boyfriend.

"Thank you, Alice picked this out for me," he jokes, moving to open the door for her and appearing on the driver side a second later. "You're nervous," he says as he watches Melody play with her hair.

"A little, believe it or not I'm not much of the having all eyes on me type of person," she mumbles.

Edward chuckles, "You really don't know do you?"


"How you captivate whatever room you walk into." Melody doesn't say anything and stares out the window, blushing when Edward laughs.


"Monte Carlo? That's our prom theme?" Jessica asks, a little put off by the theme.

"Mh-hmm, gambling, tuxedos, and Bond. James Bond," Eric is passing out fliers for prom to the people surrounding him.

Angela picks up her camera and directs it towards Eric when something else catches her eye. "Oh, my God," she says, a smile on her face as she looks towards Edward car.


"Everyone's staring," Melody whispers to Edward as he opens the door for her. There's a smirk playing on his lips as he places a hand on her back. Melody stares forward, ignoring the looks of jealously, bitterness, shock, and amusement her classmates give her and Edward.

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