Chapter 1~

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So, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Clara Jones, I'm 22, I live in the mansion with the rest of the assassins, I'm one of the best, and I'm stuck in hell with my enemy. I know, I know ironic, I used the title for my last sentence. I know what you're thinking "why is she talking to us like she's in the fucking office or something?" Because I can. I find it interesting to talk to you like an audience because you technically are, but anyway enough jibber jabber lets get into why I'm stuck here in the first place.

It all started in sixth grade, I guess you could say I was... a trouble maker. I used to bully kids you know do all the regular bully stuff like take their lunch money, you get the gist of it. Then one day I picked the wrong kid to pick on. We had gotten into a fight and of course I came out on top since my family was training me to become an assassin since birth, but I had accidentally killed him. It haunts me to this day. I know what you are thinking "why is an assassin feeling traumatized from killing someone?" I was a child. No child should have to kill someone. Even if it was on accident. I had pushed him and... he fell onto one of the neighbors fences. The top was pointy and sharp. Went right through his stomach, and now my family uses that against me.

"You killed that poor boy. You don't want us to go to his parents or the cops about it right?" They repeated to me thousands and thousands of times. I also know what you are thinking again. "Why are you scared of something so stupid like that? That you are willing to stay and kill people for money." Because like I said. It haunts me. I don't want to be hated by the world for something that wasn't even my fault. Well I guess it was, but it wasn't on purpose. I didn't mean to kill Jimmy McCoy. If anything I wanted to be his friend.

Growing up. Friends weren't allowed, so I just took it upon myself to just make fun of the people who were allowed to have friends. I know I sound like a total bitch, but it's how I coped.

Anyway enough of me giving you my whole life story, let's just jump right in to where it gets good.


"Hey asshole!" I yell for Kylo.

"What do you want princess?" He spoke in that deep raspy voice of his. I swear I can only imagine what it would sound like whispered in my ear. The thought alone makes me shiver.

"What did I tell you about calling me that?" I scold him. I won't tell him how much I like it, but that doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants.

"Oh come on princess~ you know you like it." He purrs. I shiver slightly and back away.

"Who the hell are you to tell me what I like. I. Do. Not. Like. It. Get that through your fat ass head." I yell. I really hate when people try and tell me what to do, especially him.

"Whatever you say princess." He says while wrapping his hands, and taking off his shirt.

"Want to spar?" He asks.

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