Chapter 20~

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Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for everyone that's reading my story and giving it a try! I don't even know how or what is going on right now with the amount of people reading, but I appreciate it so much. Writing is something I love doing, even though sometimes it may stress me out, I love doing it. It takes me to a place where I feel as though I could be myself without and complications and I appreciate it so much that you guys are giving my work a chance! It makes me so happy you have no clue! I love you all and keep doing whatever you're doing☺️🤍

 It takes me to a place where I feel as though I could be myself without and complications and I appreciate it so much that you guys are giving my work a chance! It makes me so happy you have no clue! I love you all and keep doing whatever you're ...

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After one of the most amazing nights of my life, and morning I might add, besides the fact that my princess had a panic attack...was amazing. Waking up too see Clara almost fall on her ass gave me the biggest ego boost of my life, knowing I fucked her so good, her legs went numb.

The happiness that fueled through me when I had to carry her to the bathroom, and bathe her, was probably the most happiness I've felt in a long time. Knowing that I was able to take care of my princess after something so strenuous on her, was... fulfilling. It gave me the feeling of being able to do her right, making sure she was well fed, bathed, and not in pain. I love this. I love taking care of her.

But does she feel the same...?

I guess that's a question for the mind.

While we're eating the most delicious breakfast, Julian comes bursting through the door, panicking and me and Clara just look at each other like dumbasses before sprinting out of bed. We get ready in the speed of light and we make it down to the main foyer, and seeing my temporary-maybe not so temporary-boss there with this look on his face, and from being here as long as I have been, I know that isn't a good look.

"What's going on?" Clara speaks up, out of breath I might add. The boss glared at the goon next to him and they pulled out something from their jacket. A folder? Again?

"These men have been giving information to our enemies. I want them dead. Now!" He yells into the empty hall. Me and Clara look at each other and I can tell Ezra is taking over.

"Give." Clara spoke calmly. The goon handed her the file and she flipped it open smoothly. She looked over the information of where they lived, their names, etc. I can tell she's remembering every single detail about these people, their weaknesses, their strengths. She never plays about her jobs. She takes them with the upmost seriousness, despite hating this job.

She hummed before handing it over to me. I looked it over and I recognized a few of these faces. Damn bastards. I memorize everything I can and I hand the file back to the goon. He slides it into his jacket again and the boss looks at us with a questioning look on his face.

"We're good?" He asked smoothly. Both me and Clara nodded our heads before asking one of the most important questions to ask when doing an assassination.

"When do you want them killed and where do you want them killed and what do you want them to be killed with, or in other words how slow should it be?" Clara asked with a smug grin. The boss clicked his tongue before looking her up and down in her assassin outfit. Or at least that's what she calls it.

I scowl at him and he catches on quickly. He smirks towards me. He must know.

"Preferably today or tomorrow, wherever, and make it as slow as possible." His voice dripping venom at the last part. Clara or should I say Ezra, clicks her tongue and smiles softly.

"Yes boss." Her voice smooth and sensual. Damn Ezra clicked in fast this time.

I know it's weird for me to call Ezra a different person, but it were being honest here, she is. She's not Clara in any shape or form. Clara has sympathy for people, she's very empathetic, but Ezra... she's closed off, she does her job, and she does a damn good job at it too. She doesn't care about the consequences of anything she does, if they have a family? Oh well. They shouldn't have been put on her list. They shouldn't have done whatever they did to be put here. Their fault entirely, is what Ezra's thought process is.

Her eyes are cold and collected and she walks away to the armory, that she must've memorized from the blueprint I had given her yesterday. I know that's not something I told y'all, but know you know that she had gotten a blueprint.

I follow her aimlessly and she doesn't seem to care one bit. She walks into the armory and she asks one of the guards to open it for her. They nod their head and put their fingerprint to the pad on the door. After a few seconds it turns green and the door opens up quickly. Ezra stares in awe at the amount of arms they have in the room, but I on the other hand am not phased based on the fact that I have already been in this room before.

She picks up her golden hand piece that she gave to them yesterday to hold for safe keeping until she made up her mind. As well as a pocket knife, an automatic, and her favorite, throwing stars. She's always been a fan of those. It's easy for her to kill her pray with one single flick of the wrist. It makes her job easy.

I pick up my sniper rifle, of course, a small pocket knife, my hand piece, and brass knuckles. Like I said before, I'm great at hand on hand combat, so why not bring something to add a little kick into their life.

Ezra smiles at my choice of weapons and we make our way back out to the front.

"Are you ready?" Ezra asked smoothly.

"As I'll ever be." Ezra smirked at began walking out the front door.

Well this will be fun.

Sorry for the short chapter again! The next one will be have some violence, so wait for that;)

(will be a double upload because of the shortness of this chapter).

Also don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share to your friends if you'd like!!

And another thing I would like to mention is thank you so much for 1k readers! You don't know how happy this makes me😭

I love you all and I hope you're enjoying the book as much as I enjoy writing it for you all😘

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