Chapter 12~

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After I had gotten off the phone with Clara I checked the time and I noticed that it was late.

"Shit, shit." We had a business meeting tonight with the mafia from Italy. I shot up out of bed and I rushed to the bathroom to shower. It seems as though they don't believe in AC or something so I was sweating balls. As soon as I hopped into the shower I heard banging on my door.

"Kylo, dépêche-toi, putain!" Uh oh. He's mad.
(Kylo, hurry the fuck up!)

"I'll be out in a minute!" I yell back. He only yells at me in French when he's mad, but other than that he speaks perfect English with me.

"crétin!" He yells again before walking away.

"Shit." I scrub my body as fast as possible before running out of the bathroom to get dressed. I got dressed faster than I ever had in my life and I ran out of the door.

"Took you long enough asshole." His accent was strong, almost strong enough to make you laugh when he cussed in English.

"Sorry." I muttered before he cursed underneath his breath in French.

"Let's go." I nodded and followed him to the front door. As soon as we made it the boss looked at me and said something to Louis. Oh yeah Louis is the one who's been yelling at me, but anyway.

"Désolé monsieur, j'essayais de le faire sortir plus tôt." His boss scowled and moved his hand to signal us to move out.
(Sorry sir, I was trying to get him out here sooner.)

"You ass you almost got me killed." He hissed before slapping me in the back of the head. He's a bit older than me so he tries to act like my father, which I'm not complaining, but it is slightly annoying sometimes.

"Sorry. Sorry." I rubbed my head and kept walking towards the specked out van. They have bullet proof tires, sides, and windows. This thing is ready for battle.

"Ready fils?"

I nodded my head and the multiple vans took off down the long driveway. The ride was silent aside from the occasional French speech that would break the silence. There was no radio, no one on the coms, it was silent. Pure silence. Which I personally hate because it leaves me to my thoughts and sometimes they can get dark... especially after my parents died.

I tend to think about how much fun it was when my parents were still around. They always took me to aquariums, zoo's and just all the fun places any child would want to be at. They always tried to make sure I was happy. They were never selfish and they made sure I had every single thing I needed...even when they didn't get anything.

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