Chapter 19~

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I woke up in the morning with soreness everywhere on my body, especially my cunt. I can tell the walk to the bathroom to pee is going to be extremely painful. I groan silently while I scrunch up my nose in distaste.

The sex was amazing though, I can say that for sure. 10/10 would recommend. But not with Kylo. He's mine.

"Woah." Did I really just think that? What the fuck is wrong with me. I shook my head and I slowly moved to get up, careful not to wake Kylo up, as well as keep myself from being in severe pain.

I tried to put one foot on the floor and immediately my legs bent beneath me and I fell to the floor, or at least I almost did till Kylo caught me before I could hit it.

"Shit! Kylo...?" I inquired and he just licked his lips and set me down on the bed. He rubbed his tired eyes like a little boy and I smiled in awe at how cute he was.

"Be careful and wait for me next time." His voice. Fuck not again. His voice in the morning is just... it's just... fuck me. That's what it is 'fuck me.'

I bit my lip and nodded my head silently. He tilted his head and leaned back down on his right elbow. He looked up and down my body and stopped at the lip that has now made a home in my mouth and he smirked.

"What's going on in the pretty little head of yours." He scooted a little closer to me and I immediately backed up. Shit.

I felt my body falling off the bed and Kylo didn't act fast enough this time because we were both in a state of shock, and I hit the floor, hard. I groaned out loud in pain and Kylo immediately got up to get me. He's laughing his ass off by the way.

He lent his hand out and I smacked it away with a huff and that only seemed to make him laugh even harder.

"Your a dick head." I pout and he just smiled at me before lending his hand out, again. I took it this time and winced when my hips and my pelvis sent a shock wave through me.

"Owww." I moan out and Kylo immediately stops laughing and becomes extremely serious. He picked me up and brought me to the bathroom.

"Hold on." He spoke quickly before coming back with flower petals, vanilla smelling soap, a loofah, and some clothes for me and him afterwards, as well as some medicine for me I'm assuming.

"I'm sorry..." He spoke softly before turning the water on for a bath. He threw in the flower petals, the vanilla smelling soap, and the loofah. He turned to me and looked back at the water filling the most beautiful tub I've ever seen before touching the water and grunting in happiness at, I'm assuming, the temperature of the water.

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