Chapter 8~

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The car came towards me at full speed and all I remember from that night is hearing Kylo scream out my name into the pitch black darkness...


"Is she going to be alright?" I faintly heard the sound of someone's voice but I cannot put a name to who it is.

"She's going to be just fine. She'll probably have to do physical therapy for a while In order for her arm to move properly, but other than that she will be just fine." I'm going to assume that, that was the doctor. I heard someone sigh of relief and then I felt a hand on top of my own.

"Good." I flinch and I can feel the hand flinch with me.

"Clara?" The voice starts to become familiar to me and I immediately recognize it as Kylo's voice.

"Mmm." I moan in pain. I slowly opened my eyes, but soon closed them again because of the brightness of the room.

"Bright." I groan. Kylo chuckled and asked the doctor to dim the lights for him.

"It's dimmer now." He rubbed my hand and I opened my eyes.

"Hey." He spoke softly.

"Hi." I rasp. The look in his eye was not familiar with me. It almost seemed like...worry? I don't know. I just shake my head and I asked him for water. He nodded his head and reached over for the cup of water, I tried to lift my left arm to grab it, but immediately cried out in pain and dropped it down onto the bed.

"Careful!" Kylo set the cup back down and helped me.

"What the hell happened?" I gasp out in pain.

"You were hit by some bastards in a fucking jeep. I swear if I find them." He muttered the last part underneath his breath. I just smiled in pain and I tilted my head away from him. Fuck. I don't want him to see me cry. I'm hurting so bad right now. It feels like my body is being ripped apart.

"Hey Clara look at me." He said softly and I just shook my head no, but unfortunately my sniffles got the best of me.

"Are you crying? Oh shit. Come here." He held me... he actually fucking held me... am I dreaming or something? Like how? Why? What?

"Why- why are you holding me?" I'm so confused. He has never and I mean never showed me any type of kindness in the ten years that I've known him so far, so why is he doing it now?

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