54:Zhu Mei is back.

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Chapter 54:Zhu Mei is back.

Yu An looked at her parents and took a deep breath.

❝What I'm about to say is crazy, alright? I don't know if you'll believe me, but it's true. ❞She said.

Her parents looked at each other and then at her. Yu An then told them everything that happened since the accident and how she was transported into another world.

❝You're telling me... you went into another universe and now you're back? ❞ Yu An's father asked baffled.

❝Yes. ❞Yu An replied.

Wang Shu was holding her hand and listened silently, not sure if he is supposed to say something.

❝This is a lot... but I'm glad that you're safe, that's all I care about. ❞Her mother said hugging Yu An tight.

❝What will happen now? ❞Yu An's father asked again.

Yu An fell quiet. She didn't know the answer to that.

❝I'll have to find a way back, Wang Shu can't be away for too long... but then what? I love my friends from there... but I can't leave modern times for ancient world...❞ Yu An was overwhelmed by the situation and Wang Shu could feel it.

He hugged her, rubbing her back to soothe her.

❝Thanks. ❞ Yu An whispered.

❝I realized something... I want to be with you, Yu An. Whatever you chose... let me be a part of it. ❞Wang Shu said.

He thought about it since Yu An told him about her not being part of his world. He knew, one day she'll choose to return to her world and that thought haunted him for days.

Wang Shu thought everything will go as it was before meeting her, but he was wrong. When Yu An was away and he was left alone, he hated it. He hated every second of being apart and that made him realized what big influence Yu An has on his heart.

Yu An looked at Wang Shu with tears in her eyes.

❝And if I choose my world? ❞Yu An asked.

Wang Shu placed his hand on her cheek and replied:

❝I'll learn to be a part of this world. ❞

Yu An looked at him not knowing that to say, what to feel.

❝He's willing to leave everything behind for me? Do I deserve it? I'm not willing to do the same... do I deserve his love? ❞ Anxiety crept into her heart.

❝Whatever you're thinking about... stop it. It's making you sad and I dislike it. ❞Wang Shu said softly, placing his forehead on hers.

Yu An's parents were watching quietly, wishing that their child could be happy.

❝Wang Shu... ❞Yu An softly called.

❝Yes? ❞Wang Shu replied.

❝I love you. ❞ She said looking into his golden eyes.

Wang Shu's eyes widened at her confession and his heart was beating fast.

❝I love you too. ❞He replied, smiling.

❝Even when I'm annoying and shameless? ❞Yu An asked jokingly.

❝Even then. ❞Wang Shu replied and Yu An hugged him, pressing her lips on his.

Yu An took Wang Shu to her room and they spend a passionate yet sweet night together.

The next day, at breakfast, Yu An was thinking about everything and all the knowledge she had at that moment trying to find a way to go back.

Then, a phone rang,disturbing the quiet atmosphere in the room.
Her family old landline telephone was righting.

❝Who could it be? We don't use that phone anymore. ❞Yu An's father said and got up, walking to the living room where the old telephone was laying.

Yu An stared at her father through the now opened door, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.

She suddenly stood up and rushed to take the receptor in her hands.

❝Zhu Mei?! ❞Yu An asked shocked, making the others look at her confused.

❝Who is it?❞Wang Shu asked walking next to Yu An, feeling a little worried.

❝That's right, Xia Yu An, I'm glad you remember me. ❞ The woman said.

❝How did you get this number? No, even better, what you want from me? ❞Yu An asked again, having the feeling that this Zhu Mei is hiding something.

❝It's a long story, dear. It's better to talk about it face to face. What do you say? ❞Zhu Mei asked, smiling.

❝Sure, when and where. ❞Yu An asked opening the notebook on the table, writing down the place and hour.

❝I hope you can come alone. ❞Zhu Mei added.

❝Alright, will do. ❞Yu An replied.

❝See you there. ❞Zhu Mei said and hung up.

Yu An put the receptor down and ripped the page, placing it in her pocket. She looked at her parents and Wang Shu who were all waiting for her to explain the situation.

❝Zhu Mei, the woman I saw in thr hologram after I've won the game in the barrier. She said her and others found a way to travel through time and universes and I believe it's thanks to them that I had a way of returning home. I also believe she'll give me a way to return back. ❞Yu An explained calmly.

❝She didn't explained anything? ❞Wang Shu asked.

❝How did she got our number? It seems fishy... ❞Yu An's mother said, feeling anxious.

❝She said we'll talk in person so I'll meet her soon. ❞Yu An replied, turning around to go to her room.

❝You're going alone? ❞Wang Shu asked, catching Yu An's hand.

❝Yes, she said to go alone. ❞Yu An explained, smiling at his concern for her.

❝I don't like the idea of you going alone. This word has a lot of dangerous things that could hurt you. ❞Wang Shu said, frowning.

Yu An sighed and held his hands in hers.

❝I'm going to be fine, I didn't felt any hostile energy from Zhu Mei. I also don't think she is a cultivator like us so getting me hurt will be hard. ❞Yu An said to reassure the worried man who kept frowning at her.

❝I've been away before and I always returned in one piece. ❞Yu An added, seeing that his frown only deepened.

❝Come on, your face will get stuck like that if you keep frowning. ❞Yu An said kissing his cheek.

❝If you don't return in two hours I'm coming to search for you. ❞Wang Shu stated.

❝Alright. Mom, dad, take care of him while I'm gone. ❞Yu An smiled and went to get ready for the meeting.

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