55:The perfect solution.

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Chapter fifty-five:The perfect solution.

Yu An looked at the building and checked the address once more.

❝That's it. ❞ She whispered to herself and entered, being cautious just in case.

❝You're here! ❞Zhu Mei's voice rang in Yu An's ear.

Yu An turned her head and her eyes meet the same woman from the hologram.

❝It's nice to finally meet you. ❞Zhu Mei said, holding her hand out.

Yu An shook her hand and the two sat down.

❝I guess you have a lot of questions. Start asking, today I'll answer all of them. ❞Zhu Mei said smiling.

❝Who you really are? I mean something is telling me there is more to Zhu Mei than what you're showing. ❞Yu An said analyzing the woman in front of her, who kept a smile on her face.

❝Bingo, I knew you were a smart woman. That's true, there is something about me not anyone knows. But to get that answer, I'll have to tell you a story. ❞Zhu Mei said and began to narrate.

❝There was a woman, not too long ago, who's life was miserable. She chose to end the suffering by taking her own life,but then she woke up in another world. Of course, she was scared, even terrified, how could such thing be possible? Is this what happens after death? You transfer to another word and live there? Moving forward, that woman got used to living there, unlike her old life, people were treating her good and she liked it there. Then, she fell in love with a man and they had a short, but passionate love story. She soon discovered that man was the crown prince of the Empire and he'll be crowned as Emperor as his father passed away from illness. She was the daughter of a small noble family so she couldn't even dream about getting in the Palace so she was heartbroken by the news. However, the man kept visiting her and promised her he'll make it possible for her to be with him. And he did, but the woman was more heartbroken that he suggested she becomes a concubine, just a woman between many others. She refused his offer and that's the last time she saw him. The woman then discovered the pregnancy she carried. She was happy to have that baby even if she lost her lover. Her parents were disappointed in her, but they didn't abandon her. They found a husband for her, luckily it was a good man that cared for her, even if she was pregnant with another man. The woman trusted her husband so she told him about her world and how she transfered here after death. Soon after that, the woman woke up back in her world and gave birth there. She tried to forget about the other world and focused on taking care of the child. Three years later, she met her husband, he found a way of coming to her world, for her. And they lived together happily raising her daughter. ❞

Yu An was listening quiet to her story.

❝Was that woman your mother? ❞Yu An asked.

❝If the woman wasn't someone close to her, she wouldn't tell me this story and she wouldn't know so much about it. ❞ Yu An thought.

❝Yes, that's my mother. ❞Zhu Mei replied sipping from her coffee.

❝Why did you told me her story? ❞Yu An asked.

❝I felt like doing it. Plus, the man that is my father is Wang Shu's father, the late emperor. ❞Zhu Mei said.

Yu An blinked fast for a few moments, processing the information.

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