Chapter 3 -How much did you see ?

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All the members of student council were staring at me as if I was a freak or something, which I am not .

Rude much

On the other note , Patrick was looking back and forth between me and Student council.Obvious to the tension boiling in the air .

It must be nice being a kid .

Finally Patrick looked at his brother. " Felix do you know her? " .He asked his brother and pointed at me .I frowned at his finger . Hadn't his parents told him that it's not nice to point your fingers at people .

Meanwhile , Felix was still looking at me confused about what to do . " I - uh - yeah " . He stood up straighter . " Patrick why dont you go to my room and stay there for a while."

Patrick raised at eyebrow at his brother " Is that a question or an order? "

" Both. Now get going and don't come out until I say so " Felix said and pushed Patrick back . Patrick pouted at him and looked at Marin for help .

" Marin ...."

Marin give him an apologetic smile . " Sorry, Pat . But I think it's best if you follow your brother's order for now. " Patrick let out a huff as he turned his back to us and headed for a room.

" Adults are no fun ." He mumbled . Then ,he turned to face me with a smile on his face . " Thank you for your help , sister Marinette! Let's play again next time . " He said and ran towards the room .

As soon as the door close behind him , the student council were once again looking at me. And I have a feeling that I am now at mercy of these people. The Student council / The Quantic kids.

Keep it cool , Marinette. Don't break a sweat. Just turn around and don't look back . I repeat , don't look back .

And that's what I did. With my right hand inside my skirt pocket, I turned around to leave and closed the door gently behind me . I walked slowly and casually towards the hall as everything was normal. But then , I felt two sets of hand grabbing my arms .

Crap .

Without any warning, I was dragged straight back into Student council room. Once I was inside , they made me sit on their black leather sofa. Allegra, the secretary, hurriedly locked the doors before joining the rest of the members standing in front of me .

They were looking down at me as if I was a killer or something.

I feel like I am the prey and they are the predators.

Even though I am in this state, I chose to keep the cool face as I looked back at them . It took all my willpower not to flinch at their scrutinizing gaze.

"So." Claude , the treasurer,said. Finally breaking the silence." You're Marinette Dupain Cheng . The well- known Rosewood High's cool girl who beat the crap out of a bully years ago, correct?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Now , why ask that all of a sudden.

Allegra glared at Claude and flicked his forehead.

" Ow! What's the big idea Alle?"Claude asked while holding his forehead.

" You don't have to scare her like that" She chided him as looked back at me.
" Sorry about that"

Wait. What did she say?Me? Scared?No way!

I looked at Allegra straight in the eyes and forced my face to remain as expressionless as possible . " If you don't mind me asking, I would like to know what I am here for . " I asked and crossed my arms over my chest.

Allegra didn't said anything, but Claude starting letting out a whooping sound. " As expected from her. She goes straight to the point!! " He clapped while Allegra gave him an annoyed look.

" Would you stop playing around and be serious? " She yelled at him.

I averted my gaze at the two as I looked at the two remaining person in front of me ,who remained silent throughout the whole conversation . As expected , they too were staring at me . But I just couldn't help but point out the difference in their gazes .

Marin's gaze was more calm and friendly.

And Felix' s gaze . He has a murderous intent in them that makes you want to crawl somewhere dark so he wouldn't find you. His look was so dark that would feel as if you were suffocating in black water. He's a demon.

And I thought he was supposed to be the ' happy- go - lucky' guy with smiles and everything.

" Miss Dupain Cheng " I averted my gaze at Felix and went back to Marin . Did he just call me? " We don't meant take alot of your time." He said" All we wanted to know is what have you seen just a moment ago?"

"Yeah! What did you see?. No . How much did you see? Added Claude.

My mind went back a few minutes. To the moment Patrick and I entered Student Council room . Then to the moment that I realized that the Student Council and Quantic kids are the one . How much have I seen?

Well, I would say alot .

But I have to be wise in choosing my
words here . So I went for the safer route and just trusted my outer cool character to handle things. " Nothing worth speaking of ."

Nah! It's actually worth speaking of.
Just imagine the uproars when Media hears that the Quantic kids are ,in fact, just regular students of Rosewood High. Our school would be damn famous .

The group was taken aback and they looked at each other as if not knowing what to do or what to say to my response. I smiled evilly at their confused state .

A good start. If I keep this up they might consider letting me go .

" Speak clearly. We're not joking around." Felix raised his voice as he glared at me. Not mentally prepared for it , I flinched a little .

How dare he speak to me like that!?

" Felix" Marin gave him a warning look ,but it seemed to have no effect on him as he continued to scrutinize me with his eyes. As much as I want to shiver and run away in fear of his gaze , I choose to stay put.

I gulped. No way  am I going to let him scream at me like that without a fight.
" Raising your voice won't do you any good. " I said and was a bit stunned that I hadn't stuttered. This is the power of the outer me. "And as for your question ." I got up from the couch . "I have seen alot to be able to put the pieces together ,Felix Graham De Vanille "

The stunned look on student council face says it all . They're scared. Scared that I have found out about their secret.

Damn. Perhaps I might have gone too far but I didn't mean to! I have to fix this mess .

" What do you want then? "

I looked at Felix who had his hands curled into fists .I gulp . He isn't going to use that to me. Right? " What do you want?" He asked again when I didn't answer his first question. " Money! A position. Tell us ."

Money? Hah! Position? Psh!

What I really want is ....


But since I still have my cool side, I couldn't say it to them. So I just laughed out loud and started to walk towards the members. Then I tapped
Felix' s shoulder. " Don't worry. I have no intention of revealing anything. It would just be a hassle as I have to collect proofs . " I said and took that opportunity, seeing as they were all still frozen from either shock or panicked to brisk walk my way out of the Student council room.

Once I was safely out of the room, I was finally able to breathe. I won't make the same mistake second time and be captured once again.

With that in mind, I started to run as fast as my feet could carry me . I even had to hug my shoulder bag as I ran so it wouldn't be in the way. I don't have to worry about the students though. Most of them had already gone home or headed to mall with their friends since the program was already over . For now , I just have to focus on going back home safely.

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