Chapter 32 Tutor me

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I am finally back guys 😁. Here is the long awaited chapter.

"Given this problem, you can either use the sine or cosine formula...hey are you even listening?" Felix asked me while I was busy balancing my pen on top of my lips.

"Sorry what?" I asked and dropped my pen to the ground on the process. "Aw damn!" I picked it up.

Felix, on the other hand, slammed his notes to the coffee table. "See this is the problem. How can you learn if you are not even listening?"

I balanced my pen on my lips again." What?" The pen dropped to the floor. Again. "Aw, man." I picked it up.

"This isn't working, Marin." Felix stood up ready to leave

"What? What is happening? Why is he leaving? Is class over?" I said after retrieving my pen. My hands are just about to put my notes and pens in my bag when Marin spoke.

"You guys have to work together," Marin said tiredly. "Felix, be more patient with her and, Miss Dupain Cheng , please cooperate. We are doing this for you."

"I didn't even ask you guys to do this for me," I grumbled as I sunk into the sofa.

Felix glared daggers at me before looking back at Marin. "See? This is the problem. If she isn't willing to learn then all of this is just a waste of time!". He started to gather his things and threw them in his bag as he headed for the door "Look for someone else to tutor her." Then he was out .

He is behaving really weird and grouchy since he heard what I said to Praxton last night.

Oh yeah, I knew he was listening that's why I said it 5o knock some sense into him.

And open his eyes .

Afterall he doubted someone like my cute , annoying boyfriend afterall .

Just as he opened the door, my phone rang signaling that I have a text.

Cafe 42? You free after lunch?


I groaned. It was only yesterday that we met and now he wants to meet up again? "Go away," I said while typing the words to send to him. "You have the wrong number. And send!" I smiled gleefully as I hit the send button.

Allegra suddenly came bursting through the door and knocking a very pissed- off Felix . "Oh hey, guys How's tutoring going?" She looked expectantly at Marin then at Felix.

Marin sighed. "Well as you can see Felix is just about to give up. Miss Dupain Cheng here can't seem to focus on the topics."

I groaned. "Well, how can I study when the tutor keeps yelling at me? It makes me lose all my motivation." As soon as I words left my mouth I swear I saw a vein popped in Felix's head as he whirled angrily at me and pointed an accusing finger in my direction.

"Who wouldn't get mad when the person that they are tutoring isn't even listening. Your attention span is worse than that of a kindergarten ."

"I believe that kindergartens  have amazing imagination so their attention span is poor. So because of that, I thank you for your compliment."

Before a war could start, Allegra draw our attention towards her by clapping her hands loudly. "Finally, I have your attention." She says. "Now I know that midterms are important, but that problem is for next week. But the problem regarding Gabrielle and Felisha's interview is today at 8 pm. And I sure do hope that you guys have a plan for that." To be honest I already have all the plans I need. And all I have to do is to bring myself there. I could almost feel my whole being brimming with excitement at the upcoming interview.

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