Chapter 13 The cool waitress

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I paid for the cab as soon as I arrived outside of my uncle's restaurant. I went to the back and used the back door to head to the kitchen where I know my uncle is.

Once I entered, I quickly got a whiff of the chef's cooking. My mouth started to water but I need to find my uncle first. The staff didn't really pay any attention to me as I entered since they already know who I am. I gathered my hair up and put an extra hairnet on top of my head from the counter.

Now we don't want to ruin my uncle's business when the customers find a hair on their dishes, don't we?

It wasn't long until I found my uncle James  with some of the chefs. He was guiding and instructing them what to do and how it's done."Use these tomatoes instead of those. We only want the finest ingredients for this." Ordered my uncle.

I smiled and headed for my uncle. When I got there, I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and saw me. He smiled. "Marinette!" He pulled me into a hug. "You don't really go here that much so when I got your text I just can't say no even when we are a little busy."

I looked around the kitchen, finally seeing how busy they were. I shrugged and looked back at my uncle. "Do you need a hand?"

My uncle looked at me and smiled. "As long as you keep out of cooking duty." He chuckled and patted my head. "Can you go set up the tables and take the customer's orders?"

I nodded. "Sure."

"Thank you, Marinette. The people in the other room are having a birthday and it's nearly taking all of our extra hands to keep them satisfied. Don't worry, as soon as we get home, I'll double your allowance."

I grinned. "Sounds good to me." Moving away from my uncle, I went outside to the counter. I removed the hair net from my head and tied my hair into a high ponytail. Then I grabbed a pen and paper as I headed for the other room to serve the customers. With my outfit, I definitely don't look like a waitress with a black tank top, brown leather jacket, fitting black jeans, and brown leather boots.

More or less, I look like a gangster gone broke.

I stood to the side as I waited for the customers to raised their hands to make a call. When no one seems to have their order yet, I decided to fix the table to my right. Folding the napkins, arranging the chairs, and putting some clean knives, forks, and spoons on the table.

"Waitress!" Someone called.

I quickly straightened up to look for the customer who called. My eyes landed on a group of teenagers who still had their eyes on the menu as they raised their hands. They were seated at the far side of the room. I may be far from them but my vision is as clear as a hawk. My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when I saw them.

I know I've seen those faces school!! They're one of the new freshmen this year!

I froze in my spot and before they could see me, I bolted and hid behind the counter. I saw one of the employees working on the cash register and I tapped her on the shoulder. "Pstt!!" I called her.

She looked at me. "Yes?"

I handed her the pen and paper. "Table number 54 wants to order. Can you take their order for me, please?" I begged.

"Um....sorry , ma'am, but I can't I'm supposed to watch over here and work at the register." She said. She looked so apologetic that it seems so wrong to force her to work at the table.

"Aren't there any other waiter or waitress available?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Afraid not, ma'am. Most of them are in the other room serving a birthday party. The others are on their break. Sorry."

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