Chapter 6 Join us

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What did he say? Join the student council?

I threw my head back as I laughed.

"Sorry. I thought you said to join the student council."

His face remained expressionless . "I did."

I stared at him to see if he was perhaps kidding about his invitation but he's not. Handsome or not, I glared at him. "Really? You chased me all day just to invite me in-" I gestured towards them and made a circle with my finger. "-your group?"

"That and to keep an eye out for you." Added Claude and I glared at him to shut up. He did.

I returned my gaze back to Marin. "No."

This time, it was Allegra who spoke up. "Please, Marinette. Think about it. I would love to have another girl in the group." She said and offered me a friendly smile.

"Sorry but no." I said again. "Joining the student council is not my style. I'm not like you guys. I don't care about this school nor the students to spend my time joining this group." I got up and place the teacup back on the table. I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder. "If you don't mind, I'm leaving. You guys just wasted my time for nothing. I already assured you that I won't tell anyone about your secrets and I will keep that promise." Having said that, I headed for the door. Feeling nervous and excited at the same time as I neared for the exit.

But just as I was about to head towards freedom, someone grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall so quickly that I hadn't had the time to react. Felix's arms now serve as some sort of cage, locking me between him and the wall behind me. It took all of me to suppress myself to show any emotion except annoyance. I swear, all those rumours about him being nice are false.

"Wrong." He suddenly said. I then raised an eyebrow at him. What is this fool talking about? Wrong about what? "You're wrong, Ms. Dupain Cheng." He said again. "You're just like us."


"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying not to pay any attention to our closeness.

"Punch me." He ordered.

Again.... What?!

"Felix." I could hear Marin getting up from his seat. His tone was hard and commanding, just like how a leader should be.

Felix only gave him a side glance. "Let me handle this, Pres." He told him before snapping his attention back at me. "Go on. Punch me in the face. If you do, then I'll let you leave and we'll never bother you again."

"Dude, that's too much, don't you think?" I heard Claude's worried voice behind him, but he doesn't seem to pay him any attention. Instead, he was looking at me and expecting my next move.

All I have to do was punch him and they'll leave me alone? As tempting as the offer sounds, I couldn't. My hands balled into fists and I looked at him. Seeing the determined look on his face, I looked down and bit my lips. I couldn't do it. I won't hurt him. I won't hurt anyone for my own benefit, except when they're the ones who hurt me. Physically.

"What's wrong? Why won't you punch me?" He asked again.

I raised my head to look into his eyes. "I won't." I said.

"You won't or you can't? There's a difference between the two. I didn't answer. No, I couldn't answer him.

As if noticing my hesitation, he smirked. "I knew it." He said and inched closer to me. "You can't do it because you're not really that kind of person who we think you are, aren't you? Why don't you just drop the act?^ prime prime

"What are you talking about?"

He snorted. "You're a great actress, I might say. Hiding behind that cool girl mask when, deep inside, your just a sweet little girl."

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