вℓα¢к-여섯 -ѕιχ

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∂αє иσ∂ѕ αт נιи-ωσσ, fαℓℓѕ σитσ נιи-¢нυℓ'ѕ ѕнσυℓ∂єя. Jinwoo watched her with a slight twinge of jealousy that he smothers inside his chest, clamps down on it and grinds it into the dust at the bottom of his mind. Jin-chul looked worried, pressing a palm to Dae's forehead.

"you're burning up."

Dae grinned, waving off her friend's concern. "just my power preparing for the boss fight. I'm fine. Let's go."

Jinwoo wanted to protest, to ask about what had happened with the Naga, but she darted off ahead of them, red hair obscuring his view of her face. After following her through the tunnels for around half an hour, he groaned.

"you're lost, Dae."

"Perhaps." She rolled her eyes and scowled. "You're the ones who followed me."

Jin-chul sighed - he should've known better (Dae's sense of direction normally was atrocious and showing someone through the city was difficult for her, let alone guiding them through tunnels) . "Have either of you tried sensing the Mana in the air? No? We've taken the long way, but we'll get there. Follow me." And sure enough, there was the boss around the next few turns. It looked up as they approached, blue snake tongue tasting the air. The Rasaka blinked lidded eyes once, twice, before Jinwoo was upon it. He dragged his knife down it's side as it roared, thrashing, and Dae stepped forwards and shoved one into it's wide mouth, past the dripping fangs unscathed, and shoved golden flames down its throat.

Jin-chul poked at it. "Dead," He proclaimed, just as the dungeon began slowly retreating around them, taking on that old sepia photo- type fading quality so familiar to him. The three darted to the gate and tumbled out just as it had finished closing. Dae swallowed and plastered on a smile once more.

"Well that's that, then."

Jin-chul cocked his head. "Want to hang out tonight, Dae?"

"Sure. Just let me return to my apartment to change and I'll be right over," She smiled, then turned to Jinwoo, her face turning sombre. "Thank you, Jinwoo. Really."

"Sure." Jinchul suppressed a laugh at how uncomfortable Jin-woo was. Dae blinked, but decided to leave him.

"Okay. Well, uh- see you later, Jinchul!"


He was right. Dae opened the door, her face sullen; resigned. Jin-chul sighed and beckoned her over to the kitchen. "I'm making mandoo. You want to help?" He'd learnt that coocking was something Dae found strangely comforting. It stressed him out (why not just order it?) but she enjoyed it and it cheered her up so he was willing to pull his old cooking skills from the dusty closet in his mind that was his past for her. 

She smiled slightly- an improvement! "Okay." Moving to work beside him, she folded the dumplings deftly, dolloping the filling then wrapping them with practiced speed. They worked together quietly, but as they sat to eat, Jin-chul felt as though he had to adress the issue at hand.

"So. The dragons were very close to you, weren't they?"

She jumped. Nodded. "Yes. Yes. They were... Sort of like family."

He sighed. "And, beacause you thought they were in danger, you shoved them back into a Gate."


"They were in danger, yeah? A potential danger. We don't know what it is." Jin-chul knew she needed a project, and he was going to give it to her. "How  about we try to figure out what made this tattoo, yeah? What caused the monsters in the Royal park. 'Cause they could be a further danger."

He speared one of his dumplings. Chewed on it thoughtfully. "You'll end up tearing yourself to peices if you've got nothing to do, Dae. I know you."

She watched him, wanting to protest but knowing he was right. "Sure, sure, 'chul. But where do I start?"

"We go and have another look at the monsters, first. But that's tomorrow. Tonight we're going to distract ourselves from our troubles."

He stood and pulled a tub of peppermint Ice-cream from the cupboard.

Dae lit up. "Ice-cream!"

Jin-chul may not know how to be a good person, but he'd resolved to try his best to be a good friend.



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