3-Devilish Deeds and Secrets

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The early morning chirping of the birds wakes me up, rolling over I peck Lucy on her shoulder before sitting up and throwing the blanket off my body. 

I definitely need a shower after the events of last night, I think to myself 

I scanned the log-like room looking for my clothes which had been scattered all across the floor. picking up the materials one by one. I started to redress myself before Lucy awakens, I've got things to do. 

five minutes later...

finishing off with the last buttons on my shirt, I spot my shoes and slip my feet into them. 

"goodbye for now Lucy" I whisper out 

Exiting her log cabin the brisk breezy air blows my hair, I shut the door quietly before walking to my car and driving off. Turning on the radio to the news I sit in my driver's seat comfortably, the words from the news reporter ring in my ear.

"last night a man was found in the dark alley located between Starships convenience and Dillary liquor store, identified this morning as Morse Jones. there is no news on any suspects at this time."

I sped up a bit in a rush to head back to the headquarters, how could they make such a mistake?

I furrow my brows keeping my eyes on the road while trying to maintain my anger and disappointment. apart of me wanted to smile in celebration but the other part of me wanted to blast a bullet into each and every one of their heads. they're playing with all I've worked for and I won't allow it to happen again.

30 minutes later...

I park my car at the side of the roads sneaking through the rubble and broken concrete piles, my headquarters is located at an abandoned factory making it way easier for me to carry out my jobs. 

The concrete crushes under my feet as I heard closer to the factory, the guards eye me making sure to identify me before allowing me to pass through. I had forgotten I wasn't dressed in my regular attire, the colours of blood red and black represent us, The Scorpions.

I open the door slamming it shut behind me the team all run towards me surprised 

The Scorpions

leader-Nash Westler, 28 years old

sniper-Tiffany Charles, 25

hacker-Emerton Jean, 26

duty "dogs"-Rick, Ron and Riya Clarke, 24 also known as the Clarke Triplets

weapon maker- Scarlette Redd, 22, youngest member on the team

There are twenty-five guards on the stand.

tiffany scratches her head nervously trying to read my thoughts,

"Hey Boss," Emerton says nervously 

"F*ck off Emerton!" I yell out 

"jeez who p*ssed in your cereal this morning?" Scarlette says followed with a chuckle

OBEY ME (BWWM) [REWRITTEN]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz