40-Liquid Lies

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The car ride was quiet amidst the winds blowing past the car windows which were rolled down slightly. Alora laid back comfortably against the car seat as she watched the places she passed in Paris. France was quite a sight and much more different than how New York looked. The car drive into the large white gates of a huge house that stood tall and was beautifully decorated with ranges of flowers from tulips, Sweet iris, French lavender etc. Golden yellowish strings of lights surrounded the house beautifully. Alora was in awe at the sight.

"Come on Alora, we're here," Axel said gently touching her arm

Axel already had the car door open on his side

"Oh!' Alora said taken by surprise

Alora opened the car door from her side and got out of the car. Axel guided Alora to the front of the house and knocked on the door.

Alora looked up at Axel nervously and quickly gazed back on the front door. The front door opened slowly and a medium height woman stood at the door. She gasped loudly at the sight of Axel before pulling him into a hug.

"Axel!" She squealed

Alora could recognize the heavy french accent. The woman pulled away from Axel and looked at Alora.

"Celine," She said

Celine hugged Alora and pecked her forehead.

"So tell me–how did Axel win your heart?" Celine asked jokingly

Axel rolled his eyes playfully and Alora giggled at the question.

Celine winked

"Don't worry–I won't steal your girl, Axel. Plus I'm married ahh Simone!|" Celine yelled

Alora liked Celine's friendly nature. It was the first time meeting Axel's cousin and Alora could tell they would get along just fine. Celine held Alora's hand and pulled her inside. Axel followed behind and shut the door.

Celine guided them our the house and to the back of this house. A huge pool was out back and another woman was there. She was swimming around and her dark brown hair was soaked from the water.

"Alora–This is my wife, Simone"

"How did you know my name?" Alora asked

"Axel never stops talking about you," Celine said chuckling

Alora looked at Axel who was blushing slightly. He grinned widely at Alora.

"Do you want to swim?" Celine asked

"Maybe later," Alora said

Celine nodded and walked over to another door. Loud rummaging noises followed when Celine exited with glasses in her hands. She gripped a large green bottle of what looked like champagne and four wine glasses. Celine rested them on the table and opened the champagne bottle which sprayed everywhere.

"Celine! Woman, you better be careful with that!" Simone screamed

"Mind your own business!" Celine laughed as she poured the golden like liquid into each wine glass

She handed a glass to Axel and then one to Alora.

"Thank you," Alora said  quietly

She brought the wine glass to her face and took a sip. It sort of burnt her throat and Alora coughed slightly.

"You okay?" Axel asked Alora

"Yea I'm fine," Alora said before downing the rest of the liquid

Alora hissed and handed Axel the empty glass cup. Axel looked at the empty glass then looked at Alora worried.

"I think you should get some rest Alora," Axel said

"No it's okay I'm fine Axel," Alora said

"I'm gonna swim for a while Axel okay?" Alora said before standing on her toes to kiss Axel


"Don't worry Axel" Alora whispered and walked away

"Hey, Celine! I'm ready!" Alora said

Axel put both wine glasses on the table he sighed and entered the house. He could hear the loud splashing of water fade.

Axel took out his cellphone and called his driver.

"Hey, I need you to do me a quick favour okay?" Axel said

"Sure thing sir"

"Book an appointment for tomorrow morning with one of the best therapists or counsellors in France. Make sure to text me the details as well. Goodnight" Axel hung up the call

Axel put his phone away and joined Alora at the pool only he sat at the table listening to the loud chuckles and the water splashes while he sipped on his champagne. It wasn't much longer till Alora jumped out of the pool and clenched her stomach with her hand. She gagged loudly as she threw up.

"Alora! Are you okay?!" Celine yelled as she climbed out of the pool

Axel put his wine glass down on the table to help Alora.

"I think we're gonna call it a night," Axel said helping Alora back inside

Azel helped Alora to the bathroom in the room where they'd be staying at. Alora refreshed herself with a warm shower and brushed her teeth. When she was down she threw on one of Axel's t-shirts which were huge and looked like an oversized t-shirt on Alora. She climbed into bed beside Axel and Axel wrapped his arm around her.

"Maybe you should see a doctor Alora," Axel said

"No, it's fine. It was just the champagne. I shouldn't have drunk any" Alora said

"But if the vomiting continues–I really think you should see doctor," Axel said

"It was because of the champagne Axel don't worry. Let's just get some sleep" Alora said

The next day...9 AM

Alora got up out of bed without waking up Axel. She ran to the bathroom with the knocking and churning of her stomach on the verge of exploding. Alora threw up yet again and quickly flushed before cleaning up herself first by washing her face and brushing her teeth.

Alora jumped slightly to the washroom door opening.

"You okay?" Axel asked

Alora nodded before spitting out the toothpaste and lies from her mouth




Authors Note

Do you trust Axel's cousin? uh oh! What's up with Alora? Is she sick? Will she tell Axel the truth? Was it really the champagne?

Find out next! Thanks for reading xx

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