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Alora's Pov:

It was more than a car crash or a falling from the top of the tallest mountain. Broken limbs and bones more importantly blood. The sharp blending of my esophagus made me want to scream but I couldn't. The poisonous alcohol stung my throat as if I had swallowed a herd of bees. I laid not being able to move nor see. I could hear the gasps and feel the aching pain. The world was a blur all just a blur but this feeling was familiar. As if I was reliving my dark childhood days. I had hoped my father wouldn't find me but I guess I was far too late. I could see a blur of a demonic figure standing over me like a killer ready to attack. Is this fate?


The crunching from Axel's teeth was heard like a wrong violin note. Palms feeling moist, not sure if it was nervous sweat or blood from clenching the key too hard. On the other hand, Celine had her eyes on her wife, Simone. Past furious she couldn't believe what was before her.

Axel grabbed his gun from his pocket letting the large envelope fall free to the ground. He didn't hesitate nor did he care that he was about to shoot his cousin's wife. BAM BAM BAM!

Sounds went off and Celine watched emotionless as her wife's body fell to the floor. She didn't care because seeing her wife stand murderous over another woman's body hurt worse.

Alora's leather outfit was ripped, visible enough to see blood. The large torn fabric that left her thighs exposed was covered in a colour Axel never wished to see. Blood was leaking from her head as well and glass pieces were shattered everywhere.

Axel rushed over to Alora and lifted her into his arms. Celine still stood in place and didn't move an inch. Her eyes were glued to her wife who laid against the concrete coughing loudly.

"Come on Celine!" Axel yelled

"Bring her to the hospital—I'll finish the rest of it," Celine said

"But-" Axel said

"AXEL!" Celine snapped back

Axel gave up and ran through the side of the house so he could make it to the car quicker. At this time Alora was unconscious. Axel screamed for attention from one of the guards who helped him put Alora in the car. The driver quickly got in and drove them to the nearest hospital.

Axel watched Alora's chest to make sure it was still rising and falling. The car ride was quiet but Axel could hear his pumping heart. He was scared out of his mind and unsure of what to expect.

"Drive faster!" Axel yelled worried

"Almost there!" The driver yelled back

Axel could see the hospital coming into the distance and he opened his passenger slightly already eager to jump out. The driver parked the car quickly, not even having the care to correct himself. He got out and helped Axel bring Alora into the hospital.

"Aidez-nous! C'est un cas d'urgence!" Axel yelled

(Help us! It's an emergency!)

Nurses rushed to Axel and even brought out a bed to rest Alora on. No word was said to Axel. He watched quietly as they rolled Alora away.

"Send the jet to my family! Make sure they get here today! I want you to take this key! When they land, drive them to the new house I bought!" Axel said


"Wait! Make sure the Gravano's and my Angel Devine come along!"

"Yes, Boss!" The driver said rushing away

Axel took out his phone and called his father Manuel.


"Hello, Son! How's France?!"

"Not good at all. I'm worried sick, father. I can't take this anymore, it's all too much."

"Wait, slow down. What's all this about?"

"Alora—-the universe is trying to pull us apart. I love her but if loving her is causing her to be in danger I-"

"Axel! Don't you dare finish that sentence! Love isn't easy son. Do you think I didn't have ups and downs with your mother? We did. It's bound to happen. If you want to marry her—you must understand it's for better or worse."

"I- just don't know anymore. I'm scared and I'm never scared."

"You're Axel Santiago! You're a human being! You're allowed to be scared! Don't do anything but update me until we reach France"

"I'll try"

"Bye son see you soon. I love you stay safe"

"Bye dad love you too"

The call ended and Axel put his phone away and breathed out deeply.

"I'm so sorry Alora.." he whispered to himself


Celine dragged her wife's body into the house. She dragged her all the way into the basement and slammed her against the floor. Simone whimpered in pain.

"Shut up!" Celine yelled out

"H-help me baby please" Simone cried out

"F*ck you, Simone! How could you?!" Celine shouted

"She-she was coming in between us."

"She's my cousin's wife! Are you crazy?! Tell me what you did to that girl right now! Tell me what you did to Alora!" Celine screamed

"I-I can't!" Simone said weakly

"Then I'll make you talk," Celine said

Celine walked over and picked up the toolbox. She grabbed a screwdriver, stabbed it into Simone's shoulder and pulled it out.

"Tell me now!" She screamed

"Okay! I-I mixed different Alcohols and drinks until Alora fell unconscious. I tried to attack her but she fought back and I grabbed the nearest thing to help me and slammed the wine glass at her head!" Simone said in pain

Celine shook her head in disbelief slowly.

"You traitor," Celine said

"What?! N—no I'm your wife!" Simone said

"Anything else you have to tell me?" Celine asked

"I wanted her out of the way! I thought you wanted her!" Simone said

"Lucky for you I'm not a traitor! See you hell!" Celine screamed and grabbed a hammer

Celine raised it in the air and slammed it into Celine's skull

She repeated the act again and again. Blood flew all over the basement. Only the sounds of bones breaking and flesh smashing filled the room.

Sweat dripped down Celine's face. She finally dropped the hammer when satisfied with how Simone looked.

She took out her phone, saved the recording and sent it to Axel. Her arms were sore and she was drenched in blood. Anger boiled her soul as she looked at her wife's bloodied body.

"You broke the code Simone...you broke it"

Celine left her basement and called for the clean-up crew to dispose of the body and clean the basement. She didn't smile nor laugh all she did was drag herself to the bathroom where she could break down and take a shower. It was yet another failed relationship for Celine but this time it hurt ten times worse.

Celine wasn't the kind of person to fall in love but when she does she'd never be able to stop herself or catch herself.

"Rest in hell Simone" Celine whispered before stepping into the shower




Authors Note 



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