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"Do you think the baby will be a boy or girl?" Axel asked

Alora looked at Axel with her eyes widen.

"hmm...A boy?" Alora said unsure

"it's a girl." Axel said

"How do you know?" Alora asked

"Because...I'm the one who-"

"Don't even dare to finish that sentence" Aloar said giggling

"Okay fine," Axel said poking Alora playfully

"Alora!" Bruna gasped walking in

Bruna had brought fresh-baked muffins with her as well.

"Guess what?" Bruna said

"Muffins?" Alora said grinning widely

"How'd you guess?" Bruna said as she handed Alora a closed container of muffins

"I could smell them," Alora said as she ripped the lid off

In one big bite, she chewed on the mouthful warm delight. Axel chuckled at Alora who was in the zone enjoying her muffins.

"You sure do know how to bake," Axel said

"It's an escape for me. I used to watch my father bake. He had hoped to open a bakery one day but all his dreams shattered after my mother died. After losing my father everything went downhill and baking was the only thing that could make me smile." Bruna said saddened

"I'm sorry Bruna. I couldn't imagine what you went through." Axel said

"It's fine. My parents are both together now and are in a happier place. As for me, I'm happy being with people I can call family." Bruna said

"I guess that's what makes us so close. Our dark paths and rough childhoods" Alora said.

"For sure," Bruna said

"Also, what happened to your neck?" Alora asked giggling

"Well uhh–I burnt myself! I gotta go!" Bruna said leaving in a hurry

"She burnt herself or did someone's lips burn her," Alora said winking

"You are a nasty woman," Axel said chuckling

"Guess that's why I'm pregnant huh?" Alora said before taking another bite

Axel's cellphone rang and he quickly picked up the call from his father.

"Hello, Dad?"

"Sorry son, we had stayed up all night with Devine she wouldn't sleep because she missed you both. We even had the Gravano's come over as well."

"Oh no– I miss her so much. We'll be home soon I'll try to see if she can be discharged tonight or tomorrow morning."

"How is Alora?"

"She's fine she's awake as well. By the way, what's all that chewing in the background?"

"It's Alora. Bruna came over and brought her muffins."

"Oh, those muffins sure are a delight I could use one myself. I'll call you later son. I gotta help Devine with breakfast."

"Thank you for taking care of her Dad. Please tell her we miss her and will be home soon."

"Sure will"

Axel hung up the phone and clench the device in his hand. Alora had saved a muffin for Axel.

"This muffin is for you. I can tell you haven't eaten anything as of yet." Alora said

"Thank you," Axel said taking the muffin

"I miss seeing Devine. She's such an angel." Alora said as she dusted the crumbs off of her

"I miss her too," Axel said with a mouthful of the muffin in his mouth

Alora giggled at Axel who was clearly enjoying the muffin.

"You're cute," Alora said giggling

"What am I? A puppy? I'm manly or handsome." Axel said

"Sure whatever works for you," Alora said winking

Hours Later....

Axel rubbed Alora's stomach as she laid back and watched giggling continuously. The Doctor had arrived again and had a huge smile on his face.

"Ahh The Santiago's," The Doctor said

"That would be us," Alora said

"When can she be discharged?" Axel asked

"Just have to check on her stitches and I'll let you know," The Doctor said

"What about if we bring her home tonight and a nurse will come by to check up on her? I have many connections to doctors as well." Axel said trying to sound convincing

The doctor raised a brow and nodded

"That sounds very reasonable. As long as the doctor reports back to me daily."

"I'll make sure that's done," Axel said

"Okay, then you're free to go home today. Please be very careful, don't overwork yourself. This pregnancy can be very risky and the alcohol has done so much damage."

"You're scaring me Doc," Alora said uncomfortably

"I'm sorry but I have to give a heads up and warning. You must come back for a check-up in a month from today."

"We'll do all of that don't worry," Axel said

"Okay, I trust your word. If you feel any unbearable pain come back immediately" The doctor said before leaving

Axel was over the moon and excited to finally bring Alora home. On top of that, the two haven't even made any wedding plans yet. Axel helped Alora exit the hospital. Even though she repeatedly told him she was fine he wanted to be extra careful.

The ride home was talkative as Axel was excited and impatient to tell everyone the news.

"I can't wait to tell everyone the news! Axel said smiling from ear to ear

Alora was unsure and uneasy after the past events she feared someone would come after her if they knew she was carrying Axel's baby.

"I don't know Axel. Should we tell them?"

"They'll start to notice"

"I guess you're right"

Alora took Axel's hand and gently traced his fingers. Touch was her love language and Axel was her lover.

"We're home," Axel said

Alora was confused when she got out of the car. The house was huge and looked brand new.

"Where are we, Axel?" Alora asked

"I bought us a new house!" Axel yelled 





Authors Note

Axel bought A new house?! How will Alora react? Will she be happy? What gender do you think the baby will be a boy or girl? Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Enjoy the calmness because peace doesn't last forever!

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