51-Smiles n Sorrows

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"Alora! You're back! How was it?!" Lilith asked with concern

"It was emotionally rough but I'm glad it's over" Alora said

Alora's eyes were heavy and slightly red as if she had been crying. Lilith stared at Alora for a bit before deciding on what to do next.

"Uhh...why don't we get some food? You and the baby must be hungry" Lilith said smiling awkwardly

"We could use some food" Alora said smiling a bit

"Come one let's drive around and choose a food spot"

Lilith and Alora left the therapist's office and entered into the car again. Lilith ordered for the driver to drive around as they looked for a desired spot to get some food.

"I'm really craving for some crepes!" Alora said

"Crepes?" Lilith asked

"Yes..never had them but it randomly came to mind and now I really want one" Alora said

Lilith laughed

"Okay let's get some crepes! Take us to the nearest crepe place please!" Lilith ordered

"On it" The driver said speeding up a bit


"Slow down Alora!" Lilith said as she watched Alora pour too much Nutella on her crepes

"Sorry" Alora said giggling before taking a bite

Her mouth was filled with a chocolatey mess.

Lilith and Alora giggled and laughed during the crepe mess moment.

"Although I'm enjoying this moment. I really need to ask you something Alora."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"How have you been feeling lately?"

"Not good but I've been trying not to stress too much. This pregnancy has really changed the way I think"

"I'm so happy for you Alora and I can't wait to meet the baby." Lilith squealed

"I can't wait to meet you and Cedric's children" Alora winked

"Woah! I don't think they'll be babies anytime soon" Lilith giggled

"You never know Lilith."

Alora downed her orange juice in loud gulps and sat back rubbing her stomach.

"I'm not sure if it's the crepes or if my baby grew a bit bigger" Alora said

"Come on, we need to get you some cute maternity clothes!" Lilith yelled

"Hey waiter!" Lilith yelled waving her hands up

Lilith paid for the crepes which did cost a bit but she didn't mind at all.

"I didn't crepes to cost so much!" Alora yelled as she walked out of the store

"Everyone loves crepes plus you ate more nutella than crepes" Lilith giggled

Lilith and Alora walked back to the car where the driver awaited them.

"Alora, get down!" Lilith whispered sharply

Lilith gripped Alora's arm tightly as she tugged her down behind the car.

"What's going on?" Alora asked

"Paparazzi" Lilith said as she watched the zooming cars pass

Lilith opened the car door quickly and helped Alora inside. She got inside quickly before the car zoomed off.

"Sorry about that. I don't want the paparazzi finding out that you're pregnant. It'll attract Axel's enemies."Lilith said biting her lower lip in worry

"It's fine I want my baby to be safe" Alora said

"We can still go shopping" Lilith said

"Ofcourse" Alora giggled

Alora and Lilith spent hours shopping for maternity clothes. The trunk and passenger seat was full of shopping bags. So much they couldn't carry it all themselves. By the time they were done it was almost night. The sky was a mid shade of blue and the sun was setting.

"Ready to go home?" Lilith asked

"No not yet" Alora said

"Oh" Lilith said taken by surprise

"There's somewhere I need to be first" Alora said

"Okay let's go!" Lilith said

Alora and Lilith headed back into the car and drove off to their next location.

"The nearest beach please" Alora said

"Why are we going to the beach?" Lilith asked

"My heart yearns for many things and the ocean is one of them" Alora said as she looked out the window

The car ride was quiet and Lilith was even more worried for Alora than ever. Axel was gone and very distant. Now that Alora was pregnant she needed him more than ever.

It wasn't long until the car put to a stop. Alora stepped out of the car quickly and walked towards the waves. Lilith stepped out of the car quickly. She watched from a distance, looking at Alora staring at the waves of the ocean. It was about to be dark soon and she wanted Alora to be home soon.

"I need to call Annika quickly" Lilith whispered to herself

Taking out her cellphone, Lilith dialled Annika's number.

"Hello?" Annika said on the line

"Hello Annika!" Lilith yelled

"Lilith? Why are you shouting?" Annika asked

"You need to get Axel to come back soon or at least get him to talk to Alora over the phone" Lilith said

"I'll try my best"

"You have to Annika! Alora needs him!" Lilith whispered loudly

"I'll get dad to talk to him, I'm sure he'll listen"

"Thank you so much Annika! Please hurry!"

Lilith ended the phone call and put her phone away. She looked up only to see Alora no longer there.

"Alora?!" Lilith yelled panicking 





Authors  Note

just a quick chapter for now! i have a migraine :((

where's Alora? what will happen next?

find out next! thanks for reading xx

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