53-Deeper than Anger

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Lilith dialled Cedric's number in her cellphone. Her hands were shaky but she managed to successfully get all the digits right.

"Cedric?!" Lilith yelled panicking

"Lilith? Where are you?!"

"Alora! Her ring! She's gone! I don't know!" Lilith said between her cries

"What?! Where are you?! We're coming okay!"

"At the beach by-by that mall!" Lilith said barely being able to breathe

Cedric hung up the phone quickly and hopped into his car. He asked Liam and Phoenix to come along as well.

They drove as quickly as they could to the mall. Making sure Bridget and Macy kept track of the beach. The three men finally arrived after driving for thirty minutes. They ran to where Lilith was standing and pulled her into a hug.

"Lilith it's okay, calm down. We can search for her." Cedric said

Lilith broke down into Cedric's chest.

"We're gonna look around the beach and then get Macy along with Bridget to track Alora's phone" Phoenix said

Liam and Phoenix both split up, They walked and walked around for hours. They both came back to the meeting spot only to share the disappointing news.

"We couldn't find anything" Liam said

"Call them" Cedric said

Liam took out his phone and facetimed his girlfriend Bridget.

"Heyy!" Bridget said

"Bridget track Alora's phone" Liam said

Bridget grew with worry.

"Okay Let me just get my laptop" Bridget said

Bridget got her laptop and called for Macy to give her some tech assistance. The two went away typing and reading the laptop screen.

"Wait no that can't be right" Bridget said

Bridget looked over at Macy who's eyes widened when she saw the laptop screen.

"Here lemme try" Macy said typing away

Macy bit on her lower lip as she waited for the information to load up on the screen.

"It says the same as before" Macy said looking at Bridget

"What is it? Did you find anything?" Liam asked

"Well... uhh not anything helpful" Bridget said

"What do you mean? What did you find?" Liam asked

"Her phone went through a current now it's so far deep in the ocean" Bridget said swallowing the lump in her throat

"What?! Does that mean she's in the Ocean?!" Liam yelled

"Huh? What do you mean she's in the Ocean?" Phoenix yelled

"Her phone is in the Ocean but it doesn't have to mean she's in there." Macy said trying to sound positive

"But her ring was washed up onto the beach from the ocean" Lilith said sniffling

"We have to call a search team to find her!" Cedric yelled

"We'll see you at home love thanks for checking" Liam said to Bridget

"Okay bye" Bridget said ending the call

Liam stared at the large Ocean,

"The ocean is so deep, what could she possibly be doing here?" Liam said out loud

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