25-Fiery Feelings

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At The Hospital...

The team all stood quietly and awaited news from the doctor. Cedric kept pacing back and forth in panic.

"Cedric she'll be okay," Liam said trying to comfort him

"Shut up! You aren't the doctor!"

"I get that you're scared but Lilith is my actual twin sister! You're nothing but the guy that's screwing her!"

"Excuse me! What did you just say to me?!"

Axel got in the middle along with Hunter to prevent the two from fighting.

"There's no time for fighting right now!" Alora yelled

"Oh shut up! You're the reason why she got shot anyway!" Cedric yelled out

Alora's eyes widened, her heart felt stone-cold from the words coming from Cedric's mouth.

"Watch your fucking mouth, Cedric!" Axel yelled out

"Are you all here for Lilith Adelman?" The doctor said cutting in

"Yes! I'm her boyfriend!" Cedric said

"I think you all need to take a few deep breaths before I tell you the news"

"Just tell us already! Cedric yelled

The doctor let out a deep sigh

"Lilith survived and she was shot in the upper chest which thankfully the bullet missed her heart completely."

"Can we see her?!" Cedric yelled

"Only problem is there's a bullet near her spine as well. There's surgery to remove it. The only problem is there's a risk."

"What's the risk?" Axel asked

"She may never be able to walk again"

"Does the bullet have to be removed?" Liam asked

"No, but leaving the bullet will result in extreme back pain but the bullet will eventually scratch against her spine with her daily movements. It will eventually cause her legs to weaken and result in paralyzation within a few years."

"There's no damn difference!" Cedric yelled

"I'll give you ten minutes to think about if you'd like her to get the surgery done or not," The doctor said leaving

"What do we do now?!" Amira yelled

"The surgery" Liam said in a low tone

"There's no way!" Cedric argued

"The surgery has more pros than the second option," Liam said

Cedric swallowed the lump forming in his throat and nodded at Liam.

"Fine" Cedric said

The doctor arrived again only this time along with Lilith and Liam's father.

"She'll be okay, son," He said hugging Liam

"The surgery doc," Cedric said

"Is that your final decision?" The doctor asked

"Yes," Cedric said

The doctor handed over Cedric a clipboard along with a pen.

"You must sign this in order for us to move forward with the surgery"

Cedric's hands trembled as he gripped the pen to sign. The team was so silent that the scribbles across the paper were so loud. Cedric handed the clipboard back to the doctor.

OBEY ME (BWWM) [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now