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Hours Later...Back At Axel's Mansion

Axel grunts his teeth while discussing with other members of the team in his office.

"Do you see all the press outside the mansion?!" Axel yells out in disbelief and anger

"Amira updated me on the situation," Hunter says cutting in

"Go on Hunter," Axel says

"Well, she found out that this story is intriguing the NYPD as well. Anything to bring down a millionaire."

"What the hell do I have to do with the NYPD?!"Axel says

"Well seems like they're trying to find any dirty work done by us but we've been pretty careful lately. The only thing they have on you is the accident but it wasn't intentional"

"Only thing to do now is trying to clear up the situation as best as you can," Cedric says cutting in

Axel gives Cedric a weird look

"All because of one woman" Axel whispers to himself

"Hey! She has a name" Lilith says in defence

"Yeah yeah Alora"

"Well, actually she's Charisma remember?" Macy says

Axel's stomach flips feeling over rushed with regret. He knew his actions towards her were uncalled for and unnecessary.


Alora lay awake watching the ceiling. She couldn't stop thinking about the morning's events. Did he really want to take me to breakfast or was it all a lie? Alora couldn't help but wonder

Her stomach felt heavy remembering how defensive he acted with Devine. Alora sat up and rubbed her forehead.

"I really need some fresh air" Alora whispered to herself

She got out of bed and slid her feet into a new pair of shoes Lilith gifted her. Alora paced back and forth thinking of what to actually do. With a heavy sigh, she searched the room for any paper only to find a small paper bag in the closet. It was those paper bags one would get from the shop after buying a few small items she supposed it was from the shopping Lilith had done for her so kindly.

Alora searched throw the drawers to find something to write with. She found a new eye-brow pencil she forgot Lilith had even bought for her. Deciding the items were good enough she wrote a goodbye note.

Dear All,

I am grateful for your kindness these past weeks. The food, shelter and medical attention were all given to me. I would like to thank Lilith for being so kind and gifting me with new clothes. I would like to thank Devine for being such a sweetheart. I don't want to be an intruder or burden to you all. I know you must have your own very important things to focus on and I shall not be a distraction. I have only taken my bag from the accident night and a few new clothes to get me started. Please Lilith feel free to refund any belongings but I am forever grateful and hold all gratitude within my soul. I think it's time for me to get moving.

Sincerely Alora

Alora sighed heavily resting the note on the bed. She rummaged through her closet to find her bag and dashed some clothes, shoes and her cellphone in there.

Opening the bedroom door quietly, she walked over to Devine's bedroom door just to listen to her angelic giggles. Devine seemed to be having so much fun with her playtime. Alora smiled and walked away, down the steps she searched for the front door.

She found a lone door which she assumed to be the front entrance to her correction she opened the door quietly. As she stepped out flashes of the camera caught her off guard. Alora blinked quickly with confusion.

"Are you the woman from the crash?!" A male reporter screamed out

"Are you Axel's girlfriend?!" Another screamed

There were multiple microphones being pointed at her Alora felt overwhelmed but didn't want to cause any more trouble. Swallowing the lump forming in her throat Alora decided to answer their questions.

"Yes, I am the woman from the accident but it's not their fault. It's mine." Alora said loud and clear

"What do you mean it's not their fault he crashed into you-" A report says

"That's what you're all portraying on the news! To make him look bad right? The night of the crash I came home to my apartment being completely destroyed. I was distraught and in disbelief so I ran out of the apartment building. I wanted to end it all that night. It was my mind vs me and my mind won. My thoughts controlled me and I ran into an oncoming car which happened to be Axel's. If I had watched where I was going this could be avoided but I was going through alot" Alora says standing her ground

The reporters were in disbelief and confused.

"I heard he didn't even bring you to a hospital or call 911!" Another report shouts

"You've heard but you don't know. He brought me to get private treatment from one of the best doctors known. I've been fed and taken care of as if I'm family. I'm doing better now so you can all leave with your lies." Alora says pushing past the crowds of reporters

All the reporters shook their heads in disbelief and disappointment not receiving drama. They all got into their cars and drove out of Axel's Mansion.

Alora on the other hand kept walking in search of a motel nearby to stay for the night.

She only had a few bucks from the night of the crash still hidden in her purse. It would probably keep her going for a few days or a week.

Meanwhile...At Axel's Mansion

"Meeting is dismissed. I have some reporters to talk to" Axel says tiredly

Everyone cleared the office one by one leaving Axel. Finally, Axel fixed himself before exiting the secret lower floor. He opened the front door and stepped outside expecting camera flashes but there were none. Axel searched around in confusion, shrugging he headed back inside shutting the front door behind him.

"AXEL CRUZ SANTIAGO!" Lilith screams from upstairs

Axel more confused than ever runs up the steps to see what all the commotion is about.

Lilith was standing beside Alora's bed with the paper bag in her hand.

"What is it, Lilith?" Axel asks

"This!" Lilith says throwing the paper bag at Axel

"It's just a paper bag," Axel says picking it up

His lips parted once he saw writing on it, scanning the words his heart pounded against his chest.

"She left?" Axel says in a low tone

Cedric storms up the steps nearly tripping.

"Guys! You need to take a look at this" Cedric says reaching over with his phone in his hand

On the screen was Alora, she was talking confidently to the press but the words coming from her mouth stung like a swarm of bees.

"She wanted to end it all that night?" Axel whispered 





Author's Note

OH NO! ALORA LEFT! how will this affect the team?! Will they ever find Alora again?! What will happen next?! Find out in the next chapters!

Thanks for reading! Vote please! Comment if you'd like to as well! 

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