The Following Friday

30 1 5

Victor's POV

I wake up once again dreading going to school. It's not that I don't love seeing all my friends, it's just the interactions i have to have with other people that send my anxiety over the edge.

Yesturday I heard that I would have to Tutor Jeremiah again. Not my favorite person in the world. Then again he's kinda cute so I guess I shouldn't complain. To bad he has the personality of a rock. Can that boy even smile? I think not.

I drop my books as I enter the school grounds as usual. Wouldn't be me if I weren't making a fool of myself like every other day. The one thing I like about school are my grades. Theres nothing you can't learn from a book and thus books have become my safe space.

Especially after I tried coming out to my mom as bisexual last year. She wasn't too thrilled with the idea that she might never have grandkids. Or with the idea that I could end up walking down the aisle to a man. She has always been a devout mormon. Personally I quit going to church once I turned 15. Which was actually only a few monthes ago. She hasn't been taking this very lightly. I'm sure she'll disown me once I turn 18, hopefully no sooner.

I tried my best to enjoy class especially my psychology class. After all, my number one goal in life is to work as a psychiatrist helping people and making the world a better place.

Maybe this is why I got into tutoring. Maybe I can make Jeremiah smile. I guess that'll be today's mission.

I arrived early today, no sign of Jeremiah. He finally turns up five minutes late looking like a hot mess. "Looks like I'm working with you again."

I scowl but try not to let him see my expression. "You don't seem very enthusiastic."

"Maybe if you weren't thinking rude thoughts about me."

I raise one eyebrow and close the book. "How would you know what I'm thinking about you?" I really hope he doesn't actually know what I'm thinking because I was in fact thinking some not so nice thoughts.

"Because you look right through me like you can read my mind. I know you think I'm stupid. But I swear I'm not. But you dont believe me."

"Listen, I don't think you're stupid. A bit weird, yes. Stupid, no. You read very well. The problem is your retention and attention span. Do you have ADHD?"

"What? No way. I never had any problems with school until this semester. Believe it or not I used to be just like you. Only less judgemental."

"Will you cut that out! I am not judgemental. I love people. I live to help people. That includes your sorry ass."
I bite my tongue at my choice of words, not exactly helping to support my point.

"Last time Mrs. Willow basically had to drag you over here to talk to me. Explain that." Suddenly I don't feel so well and my stomach curls into a ball.

I sit in silence for what feels like an eternity. "That's what I thought."

"Let's just read."

"Ok fine."

So much for making him smile. I think I just made him hate me worse.

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