Sick Day

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I spent most of my friday morning in my room feeling depressed and low on energy. I didn't even have the will power to get up and wash my own hair like I usually do. Welcome to executive disfunction. I know I have to do it, but can't get my ass to take the first step.

My mom started to show concern when she asked me when the last time I ate was and I responded, "yesturday morning."

I think she took it into her own hands to find me just the help I need because before I even have the chance to object there is a knock on my bedroom door and a familiar face invades my personal space. Not that I mind or anything.

"Good morning sunshine." Victor walks over to me with that infectious smile and a bottle of coke. "I thought you might need this."

"What? No booze? Lame." He rolls his eyes and runs his hand through my hair.

"Your mom told me you weren't doing so hot, so I figured I'd come over and see what was going on."

"I'm fine." He looks skeptical.

"You're hair is greasy and you havent eaten in a long time. You clearly aren't fine. How are your hullucetions?" Clearly he can see right through my facade.

"I don't know. I was fine when I woke up yesterday but I've been seeing things non stop today and I can't seem to get myself up out of bed." Before I even know what's going on Victor drags me up out of bed by both hands and pulls me into the bathroom.

"I'm going to bathe you. Don't even try to object."

"You're going to what now?"

"I'm going to put you in the tub and scrub your hair, and you're going to let me."

"Doesnt bathing require nudity?"

"Unless you'd rather me leave and you do it all alone." I quickly pulled my shirt off.

"I mean you were bound to get me naked eventually."

My mother called through the door. "Jeremiah I heard that!"

I call back. "Then stop eavesdropping mother!" Victor laughs.

I take off the remainder of my clothes and I can tell Victor is trying his best to remain respectful of my privacy by not averting his gaze from my upper half.

He slowly scrubs across my chest and down to my abdomen with a soapy washcloth. "How does that feel?" I smile up at him.

"Amazing. You have no idea how much I appreciate you." He dunks my head back into the water without responding and proceeds to rub shampoo into my scalp with both hands. Our faces remain mear inches apart the entire time, our gazes locked.

I don't entirely know why I say what I say next, but I say it regardless. "I love you Victor. You're my best friend." For some reason he starts to cry. Afraid I've done somthing wrong I begin to apologize.

"Dammit Jeremiah there you go again with that best friend, good bros bullshit. Can't you see what you're doing to me?"

I run my hand along the side of his face and close the gap between us. Before I know it our mouthes are moving together to the rythm of our hearts. And for some reason Victor starts crying even harder.

"Why are you crying so much?" He sniffles looking absolutely adorable.

"I love you goddammit." I pull him into the water on top of me and he splashes me across the face.

"Jeremiah Diaz! I'm absolutely soaked!"

I pull him into a straddling position. "Dont worry baby, I have a change of clothes."

Something must have washed over him because in a matter of seconds he's pulling his clothes off to reveal his beautiful body and I've never been so in love with something in my life.

We both dry off and make our way back to my bed.

Today we make beautiful love. Just me and him. I watch his face twist and turn as I effortlessly take him apart by his seams. As he let's me in and wraps his legs around my waist, we ride the waves of our wonderful ecstacy. Nothing else in the entire world compares to this.

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