Hot Pockets

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The sun was barely shining on this boiling summer morning when Rosa bolted in my room without warning.

"Oh my god. What is it with you and Victor walking into my room unannounced?"

"Victor told me everything!"

"Uh... how much is everything?" She grinned mischievously.

"Only all the dirty details, for example how good you are at hitting his,".

"Okayyyy. That's enough. I don't need to know what you know." She wiggled her eyebrows.

I try not to imagine how much of that night Victor told her in intense detail. "Anyways Victor's coming over so we can drink and play Mario cart." I grin.

"Aye, that's what I'm talking about." We high fived and went into the kitchen to warm up a tray of hot pockets and pop some popcorn.

Five minutes later victor shows up at the door looking like a total mess. "Hi baby, you look..." he puts his hand up to my mouth to shut me up.

"I know, I know. I look like a disaster right now." Rosa wanders to the door and does a double take.

"Why do you look like you want through a car wash?" Victor runs under his eyes and flips her off.

"I got splashed by a fucking jeep which swerved as if it was trying to hit me. Then I proceeded to have a panic attack on the way here." I walk over to him and start to rub his shoulders.

"I'll give you a change of clothes. Hope you dont mind skinny Jean's and a pink wife beater cause everything else is in the laundry." I don't wait for a response before running back to my room.

After Victor changes we all sit down on the couch with our game controllers and feet up on the coffee table. "So uh, I have some news."

"I didn't like your tone just now."

"I got diagnosed with schizophrenia yesturday morning. I went into my appointment with my mother and they talked to me about my treatment plan moving forward, gave me a pamphlet full of resources and support groups."

Rosa pats me on the back and stuffs her face with food. victor grabs my pinky finger and squeezed it in his hand. "I know that sucks but at least now you have some closure right?"


We play Mario cart for an hour and a half before turning we stop to scroll through youtube finding countless videos of Karen's in the wild. My favorite pass time entertainment.

"So, Jeremiah, I've been meaning to ask you... are we like boyfriends or whatever?" I giggle and rest my hand on his thigh.

"If we weren't boyfriends would I have let you keep my favorite sweater and borrow my clothes?" Victor smirks.

"Probably not." Rosa groans and flips her hair up into a messy bun.

"Will you please stop being cute right in front of my salad." I choke on my hot pocket.

Victor makes a show of grabbing my face and making out with me just to piss her off. And wouldn't you know, my mom rolls in right as he's got his tongue down my throat. "Boys knock it off. My Christian eyes are burning."

"Mom, we're literally pagans."

"Fine, my old lady eyes are burning."

"Am I not allowed to make out with my boyfriend?" My mom rolls in closer and smiles.

"FINALLY! I was waiting for this day. I thought you would never accept his desperate flirting." Victor puts his hands on his hips.

"Desperate? I wasnt THAT desperate." My mom raised her eyebrows.

"Ok eyelashes."

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?"

"You bat your eyelashes at me whenever you want me to do somthing. Its adorable." Victor blushes.

We all call it a night and I walk Rosa to the door. "By bestie. Victor is staying the night. I would have invited you..."

"No I get it, you need alone time." I give her a tight squeeze.

"See you soon"

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