Meatlovers Pizza

19 1 9

Victor's POV:

This morning like most mornings I stop by Jeremiah's house before school. Most of the time Rosa is with us but today she is home with the flu.

The three of us have made it part of our rutien to walk to school early. It helps with my anxiety when we make it to school before the traffic gets to bad. It also gives me and Rosa time to check up on Jeremiah in private.

Though sometimes I enjoy the days where it's just him and I. I've grown accustom to his teasing and insults. It never used to be my cup of tea but now I don't know what I'd do without it.

"Good morning J. Do you mind if I come over after school today?"

"Sure. You can help me with my final project in english." I nod.

"Alright, but I was thinking we could order pizza and watch the new Loki series." Jeremiah smiles in his own way and places his hand on my shoulder. I've come to learn that even though he experiences blunted affect I can always read his face.

"Alrighty sounds like a plan."

After school I meet Jeremiah by the flag poll and we head over to his house. He knows I'll probably never invite him over to my house as my family is always fighting, but he doesn't seem to mind.

Every time I come over to his house his mother greets us at the door. "Hello boys! Jeremiah the school called and said you skipped english again. Care to explain?"

I turned to Jeremiah ready to chew him out. "Jeremiah Diaz. I thought we talked about this! No skipping english. You at least turned in your worksheet didn't you?"

His mom smiled and patted him on the sholder. "This is exactly why I like this boy, you should keep him around."

Jeremiah grabs my arm and pulls me into his room. "Hey I'm sorry. I just couldn't go to class today. I started seeing mice crawling around everywhere so I turned around and hid in the bathroom for a while."

I rub his shoulder. "Hey dude it's okay I'm not mad. You could have texted me I would have brought you to the guidence office for a while. They would have understood."

"Yeah I know but I've never had a visual hullucetion before especially not on these new meds I just kinda freaked out." Jeremiah flips through his disney plus account until he finds Loki.

"Damn Tom Hiddleston is a hunk." I laugh and raise an eyebrow.

"That must be your type."

"No not really. I just think he's hot. Do you not?" I look through pics of Tom Hiddleston on my phone.

"I mean if I were really drunk I'd let him take advantage of me not gonna lie, but I'm more into androgynous men."

We watched three episodes before ordering a large meat lover's pizza with extra cheese and a side of cheesy bread sticks. "I think I'd rather be stuffing my face with Tom hiddleston's,".

"Jeremiah!" We both break out into uncontrollable laughter when his mom enters the room.

"Geez what's so funny?" We both go silent and still.

"You'd rather not know trust me." She glances over at the screen.

"Oh Tom Hiddleston... gottcha." Jeremiah sinks down into his bed and covers his face with his blanket.

"Bruh she knows..."

"She was probably eavesdropping, I'm sure she already knows I'd suck," I quickly interupt him flustered.

"You share more when you're sober!"

"This is why Rosa always brings me booze."

"Remind me to bring you booze next time."

Fly For Me Bluebird (boy×boy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें