Chapter 67 A price to pay

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The guards at the tent gave her a suspicious look when she approached.
“I just want to talk to him,” Taryn said, “I’m not going to break him out.”
The guards exchanged looks and nodded at her. One of them held the tent open for her and Taryn slipped inside.
Sasuke sat kneeled on the floor with chakra restraining chains around his arms and waist. Chakra seals were placed all around him and he was blindfolded.
Taryn waited until she was alone with him before walking over to the boy.
“What do you want?” Sasuke snarled hatefully. He snorted. “Did you come to gloat at me?”
“There’s nothing to gloat at,” Taryn said.
“Then why are you here, Taryn?”
“I’m going to do you a favor.”
Sasuke scoffed. “I don’t want any favors from you.”
Taryn mimicked his tone. “Well, I don’t really care what you want.” She activated her Byakugan and glanced over her shoulder to make sure the guards wouldn’t come in. “You’re going to thank me for this one day.”


“She did what?!” Sakura gasped. She stared at Naruto and Sai with a stunned expression.
“Taryn totally saved his ass,” Naruto said.
“But… why would she do that?”
Naruto smiled sadly. For a moment he had forgotten that Sakura didn’t know the truth about the Uchiha massacre. And he couldn’t tell her. Kakashi had forbidden it. Sai might know because he used to work for Danzou, but he wouldn’t talk about it either.
“Because Taryn isn’t the person to just stand by and do nothing. He is still Itachi’s brother after all. Maybe she has forgiven him.”
It hurt to lie. He didn’t like to lie to her, but it was better this way. He realized that now.
“Hm,” Sakura said, not convinced.
“We are all summoned to the trial tonight,” Sai said, “the sealing ceremony will be directly afterwards. We’re not allowed to be there, only the Kages and Mifune from Iron.”
“And a few witnesses,” Naruto added.
Sakura bit her lip and looked at Naruto. “Have you seen him? How is he?”
“They won’t let me talk to him,” Naruto said, “I haven’t seen him since they locked him up.” 
“How are things here?” Sai changed the subject.
Sakura sighed. “We still have a lot of injured shinobi. We’re short on medics, but we’ll manage now that there aren’t any more wounded coming in. I just wish… I wish we could have saved…” Her lip started to tremble. “I’m sorry… I…”
Naruto’s eyes saddened and he hugged her. “It’s okay, Sakura. I miss granny Tsunade too.”
Sakura sobbed and locked her arms around his back. “Thank you, Naruto.”


“Why would you do something like that?” Daro asked stunned while flanking Taryn to the trial.
Behind them, Kuro and Hiro were following in a slower pace. Hiro was slightly limping and every now and then he leaned on Kuro for support.
Taryn glanced over her shoulder at the two. “Are you alright over there?”
“I’m fine, sensei,” Hiro breathed.
Taryn nodded. “You can sit down at the trial. We’re almost there.”
“How about you?” Kuro asked.
Taryn smiled. “Don’t worry about me.” She turned back and crossed looks with Daro, who was staring at her annoyed. “What is it Daro?” she asked, knowing full well what he wanted.
“I can’t believe you would protect him after everything he did. And I don’t just mean this war.”
“Daro,” Taryn cut him off, “I don’t need you to understand. You either accept it or you don’t, but don’t ask for an explanation.” She gave a tired sigh and ran a hand across her face.
Daro looked down. “I just don’t understand.”
“I know,” Taryn said softly, “but I do have my reasons.”
Daro sighed  and nodded. “I have your back, sensei.” He knew there would be a lot of people that didn’t like the fact that Sasuke Uchiha would stay alive. 
Taryn smirked at him. “Thank you.”
They passed Neji and Hinata and Taryn looked at the girl sadly. She had heard her father was killed by Madara. She had already lost her mother at a young age and Taryn knew how hard this was on the Hyuuga heir.
When Hinata caught her look, she gave Taryn an angry glare. Neji said something to her and Hinata tuned away. 
Neji’s look was friendlier, but not warm and Taryn regretted having turned her cousins against her, but she wouldn’t go back on her decision. She turned away and lead her students closer to the stage.

The trial was merely a formality to announce the council’s decision to the crowd, but most shinobi already knew wash was going to happen.
All the Kages were seated on the stage with Mifune in the middle. As soon as the crowd had gathered, Mifune stood up and walked to the edge of the stage. “We have lost many loved ones in this war,” he began, “and we’ll have time to grieve. The council will make sure that all bodies are retrieved and send to their villages. Also, the injured will be accompanied by medics. Those that are in no condition to travel, will be housed in nearby villages and medics will be appointed to stay behind and see to their every need until they are well enough to return home.” He paused. “Before we continue with the sentence of the prisoners, there is something else that needs to be addressed.” He cleared his throat and looked over his shoulder to the Kages. “It has come to our attention that a few Genin have been fighting in this war alongside fully trained shinobi.”

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