Chapter 66 The voice of reason

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A song for Taryn to the side --->  Suggested by @Amaterasu. Thanks ^_^


“Tsunade!” the Raikage shouted.

The others looked on in shock as the former Hokage plunged the sword through Madara’s heart.

Madara tried to stop her, but to no avail. The wooden barrier Yamato had created kept him in place. He could feel the two remaining tailed beasts inside of him cringe when the sword came closer.

The sky was lit with a blinding light when the weapon connected with Madara’s body and the shinobi all ducked to shield their eyes.

Burn marks started to appear on Tsunade’s body. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t let go of the sword. It was pulling on her chakra and she could feel her body aging.

Madara was cringing too, trying to get away from the sword in his body. The tailed beasts inside of him were clawing at each other tearing him apart from the inside.

“Tsunade-sama!” Yamato shouted, “let go of the sword!”

“I can’t,” Tsunade breathed. She dropped to her knees and dragged Madara with her. 

The Uchiha glared at her with eyes full of hate.

“We have to help her!” Kazuma shouted.

“No!” Tsunade growled, “stay where you are.”

The last thing she needed was for the others to be drained as well.

Madara let out an angry howl and the sky cracked. The ground started to rumble, splitting the wooden cage that had trapped him.

Tsunade gasped when she felt the sword slip from her fingers. It had sucked up all her chakra, so it no longer pulled on her. She felt her strength leaving her. Vaguely she was aware of Madara’s agonizing screams and the concerned voices of her comrades. She didn’t feel it when her body hit the ground.


Flanked by Kuro, Taryn slowly made her way through the camp. She wasn’t allowed to strain her body yet or she might do some permanent damage.

This time she was more than glad to obey. She cold feel every muscle in her body. Even walking was painful.

Her breath stocked for a moment and her pace faltered.

“Are you alright, sensei?” Kuro asked concerned, “perhaps you should sit down for a moment.”

Taryn nodded and allowed her student to guide her to a large boulder. She sighed annoyed when she sat down. She felt crippled and she didn’t like that.

“Do you need a medic?” Kuro softly asked.

“No, I’ll be fine. I just need a moment.”

Kuro nodded and sat down beside her.

The camp was rather quiet and calm now that one of the biggest threats, Edo Tensei, was eliminated.

Everyone was waiting for the last group to return, the one that had been sent after Madara.

Taryn’s eyes slid to the tent where Sasuke was being kept. She hadn’t been allowed entrance. No one was allowed to see him, not even Naruto.

Taryn sighed. There would be a trial of course, but Sasuke’s fate had already been decided. 

She bit her lip. ‘He didn’t kill me. He didn’t kill Naruto either.’

She had read his mind, that time on the bridge. There was still something there. Why? Why had it come to this?

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