Chapter 12 Secrets

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She had snuck out again. She knew Hiashi Hyuuga had only taken her in on the Hokage’s orders. The hospitality there wasn’t very warming. So every night after dark, she snuck out of the Compound to train in the forest. Just before dawn she made it back so no one would miss her.
Tonight was no different.

No one came in these parts of the woods, especially at night. She practiced her Byakugan, her Kaiten. Neji was already better at it and he was just a kid. Not that she used the attack overmuch. She relied more on her windattacks. Maybe she could combine the two in a new jutsu. It was worth the try. She would have to think on that. Taryn took out some kunai daggers and started target practice.


Four Jounin made their way through the forest, returning from a mission, when one of them suddenly skitted to a halt. He looked to the side where a small figure was throwing knives. He didn’t know the girl, he had never seen her before in Konoha, so what was she doing here in the middle of the night?
A hand fell on his shoulder and Gai looked at him concerned. “You alright Kakashi? Why did you stop?”
Kakashi nodded at the girl. “Who is that?”
Gai followed his gaze. “Ah, you don’t know yet I suppose. You were gone fro a while. That’s Taryn of Suna.”
“Hm,” Gai said, “she’s staying with her mother’s family. Hokage decreed it.” Kakashi stared at him confused. “Her mother is of the Hyuuga clan,” Gai clarified, “she was banished from Suna.”   
     “Banished?” Kakashi questioned, “but she’s just a child.”
"Maybe so, but she’s got quite the reputation. She was the youngest Chuunin ever. Got sent on A-rank missions all the time… Come on, we have to report to the Hokage.”
“Yeah…” Kakashi waved, “you go on ahead.” He still stared at the girl with a curious glance.
      Gai sighed. “Leave her. She’s a troublemaker.”
Kakashi looked at him. “You don’t need me to report. The three of you can go. Go on.”
Gai shook his head and sighed, but followed after his teammates. Kakashi stared at the girl again and walked in her direction.


Taryn’s throws became more violent with the second. She was angry. Angry at her father, at her mother’s family, angry at the world. She panted when one of her daggers split a target completely in two.
Suddenly she felt an unfamiliar chakra approach and she whirled around, launching a fierce windattack in its direction.
No one was there.
She glared at the spot. Then she heard a rustle above her head. From a branch not far above her, a man looked down at her.
“Nice aim,” he complimented, “good skills too.”
Taryn glared and took out some shuriken.

The man jumped down. “Calm down. I’m not your enemy.”
“Says who?” Taryn answered.
“I’m Kakashi Hatake. You’re Taryn of Suna right?”
Taryn snorted. “What do you want?”
Kakashi shrugged. “I was curious. I saw you practicing. Why would you train in the middle of the night?”
“Why do you walk around in the forest in the middle of the night?” Taryn retorted.
Kakashi chuckled. “I just came back from a mission.”
“Shouldn’t you go report then?” Taryn bit.
He seemed unfazed. His endless patience somehow annoyed her. “My teammates went on ahead.” He eyed her curiously. “You haven’t answered my question.”
‘Maybe it’s none of your business,’ Taryn thought, but she answered him nonetheless. “I like the night, okay? It’s not a crime.”
“You don’t trust people much, do you?” The question took her off-guard and she stared at him. 
       Kakashi nodded to himself. “You’re quite impressing,” he complimented her.
“I know,” she stated arrogantly. She was still suspicious of him. Turning her back on him, she continued training, trying to ignore him which was harder than she had imagined. She gathered chakra and took out her fan, ready to use an enormous Ryouki, her own jutsu. She smirked when she heard Kakashi’s gasp. So he was impressed. Good. Let it be a warning too.
Over the horizon she saw the first rays of morning light. Time to go back. As she gathered her equipment she heard his voice again.
“You train here every night?”
“What if I do?”
Kakashi shrugged. “I thought I could watch again.”
“Whatever,” Taryn said and without looking back she headed towards the Hyuuga Compound.

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