Random Note 9 Family 2

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This one is for Amaterasu, cause you like my special notes so much ^.^
Please check out her stories "Dimensional Love" and "Beauty is the Beast", two awesome naruto fanfics.



Though she hasn’t spend much time with them in her youth, Taryn has family in Konoha too. It is after all the village where her mother came from. She doesn’t have any Konoha siblings, but she has three cousins and an uncle.
Things started off being a bit strained, seeing as her grandfather only reluctantly agreed to wed his daughter to the Kazekage of Suna. Even more so when Taryn was banished. But after the Chuunin Exams where the Third Hokage was killed, things slowly started to change for the better and Taryn was able to build up a closer relation with her cousins.

Hiashi Hyuuga

Hinata and Hanabe’s father. Hiashi was the oldest of his family and after his father’s death inherited the title as head of the family. He is Taryn’s uncle through her mother. His house is where Taryn stayed when her father sent her to her mother’s family.
Neither Hinata nor Hanabe had been born at the time, so she didn’t grow up with them.
When Taryn was banished, Hiashi took her in on the Hokage’s orders, but also out of respect for his late sister.
Though Taryn doesn’t resemble the Hyuuga features much, she has her mother’s compassion for others.
When Taryn returned to Konoha the last time, Hiashi slowly started to respect her again and now she is welcome in the Hyuuga household at any time.

Hiashi’s brother

Neji’s father. He gave his life to protect his brother. Taryn doesn’t know him that well and she was in Suna when he died. Her father didn’t want her to go to Konoha for the funeral to pay her respects, even though he was her uncle.


Neji is Taryn’s oldest cousin. Though there is five years between them, he got to know her well in the time she stayed in Konoha and he was old enough when she left to remember her.
Neji carried a lot of anger inside of him because of his father’s death and in that Taryn could relate to him for what befell her brother.
Neji disliked Taryn because he thought her to be a traitor, but after the Chuunin Exams he saw her with different eyes and slowly they grew to understand one another. Now they are friends as well as cousins.
Neji likes to spar with Taryn and someday hopes to surpass her.
Though Taryn disliked Neji too at first (she thought him an arrogant idiot) she understood him better after hearing the truth behind his father’s death.
The grudges Neji bore regarding the mark of the Branch House have all gone and now he’s set on making is own destiny.
Taryn and Neji have very similar personalities, though they’ll deny it if you point it out.


Neji and Taryn’s cousin and the heir of the Hyuuga clan. She was too young to remember Taryn when she studied at the Academy, but does remember her cousin from when she was banished.
Hinata, who has always been shy, used to be terrified of Taryn, because of the girl’s cold eyes. She stayed out of Taryn’s way most of the time.
After the Chuunin exams she learned to stand up for herself and even asked Taryn about improving her techniques.


Hinata’s younger sister and a very skilled shinobi, even as a child.
Hanabe was still young when Taryn ran away from Konoha and when she returned, she stayed with Kakashi, so the two don’t really now each other.
When Taryn moved back into the Compound after the Chuunin Exams, she had the time to get to know her cousin, but because of the difference in age, they don’t see much of each other.

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