Extra: Taryn Trivia

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Some facts you may not know about Taryn yet.

- Taryn's favorite food is dango.

- All her shuriken are leaf-shaped.

- Her least favorite weapon is a sword. Despite it being very compatible with her wind based jutsu, she has never learned to wield it well. She prefers her fan and kunai daggers.

- She didn't officially meet her siblings until Gaara was born. Her father kept them separate for several reasons unknown to Taryn. At an early age, Kankuro started to shadow her because he was curious about his half-sister. Temari sometimes tagged along, but mostly stayed in the background.

- Taryn was the one that taught Kankuro how to throw kunai daggers, against her father's wishes.

- Taryn admits Itachi would have won their match in the Chuunin Exams if he hadn't forfeited.

- Her tattoo spells "Love over Honor" and was placed when she came to Konoha after she was banished by her father.

- Even when she was a rogue ninja, she never scratched the symbol on her hitai-ate.

-Taryn named her son after Itachi's best friend.

- Shisui and Taryn have never met.

-Taryn's father wanted a son, but got a daughter. That is one of the reasons he pushed her so hard. He wanted her to prove she would be worthy of inheriting his title one day. When he finally did get a son (Kankuro) it annoyed him the boy couldn't measure up against his half blood first born.

- Taryn's father did love her, but did not know how to show it. Their relation has always been strained.

- When Taryn was young, she was being shipped back and forth between Suna and Konoha. It had been her mother's wish that she would get to know her family in Konoha. By that time her mother had already passed away and Taryn had already build a wall around herself. She didn't get along with her uncle Hiashi who had a dislike for the child.

- Hiashi's dislike for Taryn stemmed from the fact that his sister had been forced to marry the Kazekage, sending her away from her clan. He didn't like Byakugan in the hands of another nation. It wasn't personal until Taryn had been banished. After that, his negative feelings extended to her individually. He only started to change after the Chuunin Exams in which Neji participated.

- As a child, Taryn lived a full year in Konoha with her mother's family. She attended the Academy there. At that time, her father's second wife was pregnant with Gaara. That was also when she first saw Itachi.

- Taryn wasn't in Konoha at the time Neji's father died. She only heard about it second hand, a few years after.

- Every argument Taryn has ever had with Kakashi involved Itachi.

- The reason she dislikes Mist shinobi so much is because they were the ones to hunt her down after she ran away for Orochimaru.

- For someone that dislikes Mist shinobi, she gets along surprisingly well with Kisame.

- If Taryn hadn't been banished by her father she would never have grown so close to Itachi. She would most likely have ended up marrying her teammate Kodan.

- The reason Orochimaru marked Taryn has little to do with her having Byakugan. He did it mostly out of spite to Itachi.

- Taryn once stated that if it came down to it, she would trust Itachi with her life, but Kakashi with her brother's life, indicating that she believes Itachi would never harm her personally, but isn't convinced he would extend that courtesy to the people she cares about.

- If Taryn had been a boy, her name would have been Kazuki.

- She doesn't remember her mother.

And that was the final part of Crow's Feathers. I want to thank everyone for the support. I hope you enjoyed the story ^_^ 

Please check my collab story with Amaterasu Clash of the Brats. It is a stand alone story starring Taryn and her students and Amaterasu's OC's from Beauty is the Beast. Yes, Hisayo and her bunch of brats XD If you loved Crow's Feathers, then you will like Clash of the Brats too. 

Of course you can check one of my other stories too :)

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