Chapter 75 We weren't born to follow

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Sasuke sighed impatiently while holding the large fan upright on the front porch. “You’re doing it wrong,” he growled
“I know how to fix my own weapon,” Taryn snapped back annoyed.
Sasuke rolled his eyes and pushed Taryn’s hands away from the rip in the weapon. “Just let me…” he cut himself off and stared over Taryn’s shoulder at something at the gate.
Taryn looked up at him when he suddenly paused and followed his gaze. When she turned around, her breath stocked for a second and she was frozen in place.

Kakashi was standing at the gate and looked at her quietly.
Taryn glanced at Sasuke, who handed her her fan and headed inside.

Taryn placed her fan against the side of the house and turned back to Kakashi. She had known he would be here, but that didn’t mean she was ready to face him. She took a deep breath.
“Can I come in?“ Kakashi asked carefully.
Taryn hesitated for a second. She wasn’t sure how to act around him. It had  been four years.
“Of course,” she said.

Kakashi stepped into the garden and took a look around. “You have a nice place.”
“Thank you,” Taryn said while he walked up to her.
Just as he reached her, Sasuke exited the house again with a young boy on his arm.
“… because your mother has a visitor and we’re gonna let them talk.”
“Are we going to throw shuriken again, uncle Sasuke?”
“If you want to,” Sasuke said while walking past Taryn and Kakashi without looking up.
“Can you teach me how to spit fire?” 
“Maybe some other time.” He and Ichiru walked out the gate.

Kakashi watched them go and turned back to Taryn. “isn’t he a little young to start training?”
Taryn narrowed her eyes. “He wants to. It’s not like I’m forcing him.”
Kakashi sighed. “That’s not what I said. I didn’t come to argue with you.”
“I know,” Taryn muttered, “I’m sorry.”
A smile tugged at Kakashi’s lips. She hadn’t changed one bit. “You and Sasuke seem to get along now,” he noted.
“We manage not to kill each other,” Taryn said, “that’s all. I tolerate him and he ignores me most of the time, but that’s fine. We are capable of cooperating.” It was silent for a while as Kakashi eyed her amused. Taryn cleared her throat. “So… how are the Chuunin Exams going? Anyone participating I know?”
Kakashi shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
Taryn nodded. She tried to stay casual, but having him near made her nervous. “So, who accompanied you here?”
Kakashi smiled. “Naruto and Sai.”
Of course, she should have known. “No ANBU?” she questioned.
“Sai is ANBU,” Kakashi pointed out.
“Right. I forgot.” 
“They both wanted to come,” Kakashi continued, “but I thought it would be better if I came by myself first.” 
Taryn nodded. “Thank you.” She looked away from him.
“I looked for you during the Exams,” Kakashi said, “when you weren’t there, I almost believed you were avoiding me.” He eyed her carefully.
“I was on a mission,” Taryn answered.
“There are never any missions, during the Chuunin Exams.” 
“It was a necessary mission.” 
Kakashi eyed her thoughtfully. What kind of mission could be so important that it had to be executed during the Chuunin Exams? “Who stayed with Sasuke while you were gone?” She wouldn’t have left him unsupervised.
“He came with me,” Taryn said casually.
Kakashi blinked at her. “What do you mean, he went with you?” 
“I needed someone on the mission and everyone else was busy with the exams. Besides, it was the perfect opportunity to get him out of everybody’s way. We’ve been doing well for the past four years. We didn’t want to remind people of what happened with the war. So yes, I took him with me. And before you ask, Temari watched Ichiru.” 
“So it was just to get Sasuke out of town?” 
“No, it was a real mission. To the land or Rivers. Now that Akatsuki is disbanded, they want to ally with us.” 
“I’m not sure if you should have taken Sasuke there. The land of Rivers is still unstable. You should have taken at least one other shinobi with you.” 
“I was fine with Sasuke,” Taryn said annoyed.
“But he can’t even use chakra…” 
Taryn didn’t reply.
“Taryn…” Kakashi eyed her suspiciously. He suddenly remembered something Ichiru had said earlier. “What was Ichiru walking about when he asked Sasuke to teach him how to spit fire?” 
She looked at him pointedly.
“You undid the chakra seals!” Kakashi hissed in disbelieve.
“Not exactly,” Taryn said.
“How about more precisely?” Kakashi said.
“I might have closed a few of his Tenketsu with my Byakugan before the chakra seals were put in place,” Taryn answered casually.
“You did what?!” 
“I lowered his chakra. When the seals were placed, they only sealed the chakra they could sense, the amount that wasn’t suppressed, so not all of it was sealed. Sasuke will never regain his former strength again, but his chakra is still there.” 
“But why did you do that?” 
“I had to do something.” 
Kakashi shook his head, though he wasn’t really surprised. “How did you pull it off though? That Ao from Mist, he scanned Sasuke with his Byakugan. I was there. He didn’t see it.” 
“It’s like with your Sharingan,” Taryn explained, “his Byakugan will never be as good as the original. And even most Hyuuga can’t see the Tenketsu.” 
“I hope you’re not making a mistake, Taryn, with trusting Sasuke.” 
“It will be fine.” 
Kakashi shook his head. “I hope you’re right.”

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