04 - The Smell

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"What's wrong with them?!" a girl named Elizabeth shouted as another window shattered.

"I don't know!" Harriet responded. "They look like they've lost their minds!"

I jumped off my bunk and opened the curtains to an unbroken window. I saw at least five more of those disfigured people coming towards us. Some of them were running as fast as they could, others were studying the building.

I spun back around to see girls trying to open the door to the common area where we ate pizza. "Can you hurry up and open it, there's more of them coming!" I informed them.

"It's locked," Sonya said in frustration. "Did anyone check the shower room?"

"Yeah," Izzy said. "No exits or windows."

Two more windows broke. Their bloody hands pulled and shook the bars trying to get them loose. They didn't look they would budge anytime soon but I had no idea what those creatures were capable of.

"I'm a Crank, don't you know?" a man said. "Crank, Crank, Crank, I'm a Crank."

One of them who had only seven fingers began singing,"My mother is a Crank. My father is a Crank. My sister is a Crank her name is Sue! I felt the bugs in my brain, then I became a Crank too!"

Everyone became panicked because of their creepy chants. At the rate they were going now the door was never going to be opened. I spotted a fire extinguisher on the wall and rolled my eyes. If they weren't so blind we would have been out of here right away.

I grabbed it before pushing my way to the door. I forcefully swung at the knob with the bottom of the extinguisher making it fall to the floor. "Sometimes I think I'm the only smart one here," I smirked as the door opened.

The common room was pitch black. The light from our room didn't help light it up at all. I squinted my eyes, which were still heavy with sleep, to try to see anything that was out there. For all I knew they're could be an army of Grievers waiting to get their revenge on us. Or, maybe, those Cranks were lurking in the darkness with knives so they could gut us like some of them said they would. I wasn't going to go first, that was for sure. I wasn't going to walk into a room blind with no idea what was out there. No way.

I stepped back and gestured out into the darkness. "Leaders first," I stated, a fake smile on my face.

"You're just scared," Sonya scoffed.

"I'm not scared, I just don't want my head chopped off," I defended myself.

"If something out there wanted to chop your head off, it would have done it by now." Sonya scowled while crossing her arms.

"Unless you have night vision I don't see how you would know that."

"Stop it you two!" Harriet broke in. "Anne, you need to stop picking fights with people. We won't get anywhere. So, I will go first if that will make you stop bickering already."

Harriet took three steps into the void of blackness until Sonya followed, close behind. Everyone looked at me, expecting me to go next. They were trying to act like they saw me as the next leader, but I knew they were only afraid of me. I didn't mind, it meant that they wouldn't step all over me. But sometimes I needed someone at my side, someone to back me up in one of my many arguments. The closest friend I had was Rachael. She came in the Box right after I did. Anger bubbled up inside me when I thought of Beth. It was the same anger I felt when she had killed her. I clenched my fists, hoping it would make it go away.

"Are you-," Elizabeth began to say before I closed my eyes and walked through the door.

The smell is what hit me first. It was like the room was filled with rotting meat. It made my eyes water so much that I had to wipe away the tears.

"How are we supposed to find a light switch when this smell is driving me insane?" I questioned. "I swear, it's going to ruin my sense of smell completely."

Right after I said that my body slammed into the sharp edge of a table. I groaned in pain as I backed away.

"I forgot to mention, watch out for tables," Harriet chuckled.

"Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate it."

This time when I walked I was more careful. I touched the wall and felt along it for anything that would shed light on the situation.

When I couldn't find anything, I stopped and listened for the location of the other girls. But my ears picked up a sort of groaning, creaking sound. It was coming from the ceiling. I extended an arm before waking forward a few steps. My hand connected with something and I sent it swaying. As I touched it again I felt cloth. Like someones pant leg. My eyes suddenly widened in realization.

"There's bodies-" I started to say but I was cut off by Sonya.

"Found it!" she shouted.

Light flooded in on us. I had to blink a few times to adjust my eyes. I really wished I hadn't done that because above us were bodies strung up by their necks.

The smell. It was rotting flesh. God that was so much worse then I imagined.

"I tried to warn you," I grumbled quietly. "Guess it's too late for that now."

One girl fell onto the floor and threw up. Izzy stared at the bodies, her gigantic mouth hanging open. Harriet squeezed her eyes shut wanting to block out what she had just seen. When I looked at one of the bodies faces, I recognized it.

I ran my hands across my face and groaned. "They're the ones who saved us. They're all dead. Every single one of them."


If you were wondering, Group B will soon be meeting up with the boys, so don't worry.

By the way, are you guys enjoying the story so far, or is there something else I should do to make it more interesting?

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