21 - Kill Her

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The only thought that ran through my head was that I was going to die. I was going hit the ground and it was all going to be over. All the pain and suffering would disappear. Everything that I've been through wouldn't mean a damn thing because I would be gone from this world. Would the girls from Group B miss me? Would my old friends from Group A miss me too? I didn't want them to miss me, I didn't want to die. I swore to myself that I'd get back at WICKED for what they did to me, to us, and that's exactly what I was going to do.

I felt something grip onto my wrist. It was tight and it dug into my skin. It was a hand. Newt's hand. He began to pull me up, Minho pulling him from behind. The wind whipped his clothes and hair around but it didn't seem to faze him. The only thing that was on his mind was getting me up on the metal hatch.

When he finally did, I ended up falling on top of him, but I quickly rolled to the side. I laid on my back, my chest rose and fell rapidly. I couldn't believe I was alive. I shouldn't be alive. After everything I just went through it was an absolute miracle that I made it this far. Without those boys I don't know what I would've done. They've saved me more then once, I could never repay them for that.

"You okay, Anne?"

I opened my eyes to see Minho hovering above me. His face was full of concern and fear.

I nodded. "Yeah. I might have an extreme fear of heights now, but I'll live." He sat down next to me while his hands fidgeted. "Thanks by the way. That was some really brave shit back there."

"Well I wasn't going to let you die without putting up a fight."

"Who are these two people?" a unfamiliar voice asked.

I sat up immediately and turned to see a man with short red hair, holding a black pistol. It was pointed directly at Brenda and Jorge who were shivering, wet, and bruised. Just like the rest of us.

His nose scrunched up as he became angry when no one answered his question. "Somebody answer me!"

Thomas spoke up quickly before the man had time to lash out on us again. "They helped us get through the city; we wouldn't be here if it weren't for them."

The man snapped his large head toward Thomas. "You ... picked them up along the way?"

Thomas, now pale, nodded his head. "We made a deal with them. Promised they'd get the cure, too. We still have fewer people than we started with."

He was right. There was less people now. Looking around I noticed Izzy, Amelia, Rosa, and Cleo were missing along with a few boys. They were dead.

"Doesn't matter," the man said. "We didn't say you could bring citizens!"

Thomas got to his feet. "Well, you told us to come here, and we did what we had to do!"

Then the red head said something that made me want to push him off the ship more then I already wanted to. "Sometimes I forget how little you people understand what's going on. Fine, you can keep one of 'em. The other goes."

Angrily, I went and planted my feet next to Thomas. I pointed my finger in the mans face, while a scowl formed on mine. "Do you know how many people we've lost already?! Too many! We don't need more blood on our hands because we have more then enough! So why don't you stick that gun up your ass and goto to hell."

Maybe I went a little over board, but I didn't care. The look on his face was worth it.

"We don't have time for this!" he began, a little disoriented from my little rant. "You have five seconds to choose the one who stays. Don't choose and they both die. One."

"Wait!" the boy shouted, looking at Brenda and Jorge.


I clenched my fists, ready to sock him if he said another word.


My knuckles were turning so white I thought my skin might tear and reveal bones.

"Four!" The mans face turned as red as his hair. "Choose now or they both die!"

I clenched my jaw before saying two words they came out of my mouth like poison. "Fuck you." Then my fist connected with his cheek so hard that my hand stung.

The man fell to the ground, but he quickly got back up. Now he was extremely unhappy and he wasn't afraid to show it. I smiled at his discomfort but my joy was taken away when the butt of his pistol slammed into my eye. I toppled to the floor as my face began to burn.

"If you don't choose now she dies too!" he yelled, referring to me.

"Kill her," Tommy decided, pointing at Brenda.

At first I was confused on why he had suddenly given up, but then it occurred to me that he had a plan. Just the look in his brown eyes gave it away.

The man jammed the gun into the waistband of his pants, then reached down and grabbed Brenda's shirt with two hands, yanking the girl to her feet. Without a word, he moved toward the open air, taking her with him.


There's only a few more chapters left in this book!

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