05 - Empty, Silent Room

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"I- I can't believe this," Sonya breathed. "This can't be happening, it's horrible." She covered her mouth and nose with her pale hand to block out the rotting smell.

As I looked at the corpses all I could think about was what could do this. They killed all of these people by hanging them. It wasn't the most efficient way but it did scare the crap out of me. Our rescuers had weapons, they should have defended themselves, but here they are. It doesn't make any sense. It seems that none of them tried to put up a fight.

Aris came to my mind. Where was he? Did he know what was going on?

I scanned the large room to find the door he was lead into. My eyes landed on a yellow door with a brass handle.

I jogged over to it before wiggling the handle. Locked. Of course. It couldn't have been that simple, could it? Everything has to be so complicated and mysterious. Why couldn't there be a big flashing sign that said "YOU'RE ALL TRAPPED, YOU'LL PROBABLY DIE. HAVE FUN!" It would be much simpler that way so we didn't have to figure that out on our own because I'm starting to think that's the case.

Next to the door was a piece of paper that said Aris Jones. Group B, Subject B1. The Partner.

Subject B1? Group B? What was this? I'm starting to think that we really weren't rescued in the first place.

I banged my fist on the door. "Open up, Aris!" I shouted. When there was no answer I hit the slab of wood again. "Open up right now or I swear I will kick down this fucking door!"

Harriet joined in, "Come on, please. At least answer us!"

I could tell she was worried about him. I wasn't, I knew there was something more to him then he was saying. We all knew he talked to Rachel in his head, but something about him was off. I couldn't place it. Him being the only boy in the Maze meant he was important and that raised a red flag right away.

"He's not going to open it," Sonya sighed. "Someone get the fire extinguisher."

When it was passed into my hands I did the same thing I did to the other handle with this one. Sonya went into the room and called out Aris' name.

The room was windowless and empty. The only place he could be was the bathroom. If he couldn't hear us yelling from in there he seriously needs hearing aids.

I began to open the door to the bathroom before Harriet grabbed my arm. "Can't you wait?"

"I've had enough with waiting," I grumbled.

But what I found in there was definitely not the boy I remembered. It was a girl, and I knew who she was.


Short chapter, I know. They will end up being longer so that will make up for it.

Question. Is anyone as obsessed with the Young Blood Chronicles as I am? I've watched it two times in the same day, it's a problem. Fall Out Boy is too powerful.

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