23 - A Cold Shower

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Water streamed off my body and onto the blue tile floor. It had gotten cold a long time ago, but I still sat in the corner of the tiny shower cubical. My knees were pulled up to my chest, my back was hunched forward, and my arms were wrapped around my legs.

It was quiet in the locker room. That was because all the other girls had already left. The only thing that filled my ears was the sound of running water.

I was thinking about my life up until this point. Or what I could remember of it. I thought about the girls maze and how my life in there was actually somewhat good. I was one of the few people that ran in the Maze. That fueled the fire inside of me and made me feel like I was helping everyone so we wouldn't be trapped anymore. But that fire was dying because I knew now that we would never be set free. That was confirmed when they put us through the Scorch Trials, or whatever the hell they called it.

I felt tears starting to brim my eyes. I quickly wiped them away but they kept coming back. "Don't cry," I told myself. "Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry."

I wanted to scream. I wanted to scream until my throat was numb. I wanted to let everyone know how much pain I was in because of how long I've kept it bottled up. So that's what I did, I screamed. It wasn't necessarily loud, or very long, but it made some of the tension disappear. When it happened, I swung my fist to the side and punched the wall. Small amounts of blood trickled off my knuckles and got washed away in the falling water. I already had a bruise around my eye from David, this was just another wound to add to my collection. It wouldn't bother me at all, although it hurt like a bitch.


My head shot up at my name being called. Right now, I was very thankful for the white shower curtain blocking me from the persons view. I looked like an absolute mess.

"Anne, are you in here?!"

The voice was most definitely male.

"The boys showers are down the hall!" I shouted, my scratchy voice echoing off the walls.

I heard the sound of bare feet slapping on tile, indicating that he was coming toward me. I don't know how it could have slipped his mind that I was naked considering the shower was running.

"Who are you and what are you doing?" I asked.

"It's Minho," he answered. "I was trying to find you, then I heard you scream. Are you alright?"

I laughed. "Oh, I'm just great. We're safe aren't we? It's all over! All of the shit they put me through is now forgiven. Of corse I'm alright."

I stood up, turned off the water, and opened the curtain. Minho's eyes widened before he rapidly turned away.

"Woah! What are you doing?"

"Getting out of the shower."

"You don't care that I'm in here?"

I shrugged. "No, not really. You seeing me naked is the least of my problems. Plus, you've probably already seen me like this anyway."

I grabbed a white towel that hung from a hook before wrapping it around my body. I looked over my shoulder to find Minho staring at me. He tried to act like he wasn't by glancing away and whistling. I rolled eyes at him, even though I expected this to happen.

"It's rude to stare," I said.

Minho returned his attention to me again, a little less pleased with my appearance. "So why were you screaming like a shucking banshee earlier, and why's your hand bleeding?"

"I got into a fight with the bathroom ghost."

The boy crossed his arms. "Oh sure. I believe that."

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