Forgiveness| 06

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Forgiveness~ the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.

Forgiveness~ the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven

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6 years ago

"Don't fucking walk away from me Gianni!" Ariel yelled as she followed behind Glock. Her hands pushing at him every time she'd gotten closer to him.

Turning around quickly, Ariel jumped back slightly seeing the anger present in Glock's eyes. "I already told you to lower your fucking voice. My child is sleeping."

"Oh now you want to worry about MY child. You weren't worried when you were out with that bitch! Fuck you Gianni!" She gritted. "I should beat your ass for thinking you can play me like a dummy."

Glock shook his head and continued into the living room. Ariel was hot on his tail still yelling insults his way. He had just gotten home a few hours ago from a meeting with him, Marc, and Neisha. Glock and Marc's 3rd partner. Ariel was going off after seeing a picture Neisha posted of her and Glock. A image that meant no harm because she respected the relationship he had with Ariel although Ariel had a problem with her considering she felt that Neisha wanted Glock to herself. Not knowing that Neisha and Marc had been the ones who had a thing.

"Listen Ariel, I already told your delusional ass that It ain't nun going on between me and Neisha. That's your crazy ass drawing conclusions because that's what crazy ass people like you do." He gritted in her face. "I'm tired of you and I'm tired of your shit. I already told your ass, if you can't trust me, then move the fuck out."

Ariel eyes watered with tears before she was raising her hand to smack Glock. Luckily he caught her hand in time or else she would've hit the long scar already trying to heal from her ring cutting him a couple nights ago.

"I hate you!" She cried. "I fucking hate you! That's why Gianna isn't even yours."

Glock dropped her hand and went walking out the door. Making sure to slam it behind him causing Gianna loud cries to erupt throughout the house. Ariel dropped to floor in tears. Postpartum depression was really bringing her down.

Glock snapped out of the trance he was in when he felt a small tap on his shoulder. His eyes looked up to see Ariel standing there. Her hair was freshly done in a bone straight middle part while he face held a natural look. Her outfit consisted of a simple black jumpsuit paired with a jacket to go with the cold weather outside.

"You gone sit down or just stand there?" He questioned with base in his voice. After his mom described her run in with Ariel the other day, Tracy had urged Glock to sit down and actually have a talk with Ariel so that they both could move on. Tracy had a long talk with Glock which led him to realize that Ariel wasn't the only one to play a part in their failed relationship. Glock was at fault sometimes too with ignoring her PPD and calling her crazy for her random outburst.

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