A Big Mistake| 28

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Sitting across from Enya, Clover let the tears drip down her face while she listened to Enya rant on about how she was wrong in this whole situation

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Sitting across from Enya, Clover let the tears drip down her face while she listened to Enya rant on about how she was wrong in this whole situation. Clover mind couldn't drift away from how hurt and angry Glock looked before walking out on her the other night. She knew she had fucked up but she hoped that Glock would forgive her for her actions and continue to try to work on their relationship. Clover had spent all this time angry at him for breaking up with her but she had forgot that she had her own secret she was hiding that was worse than Glock lying to her.

3 days ago

Staring at Glock, Clover felt like her heart had dropped at the mention of her child. Her words seemed to be caught in her throat and the only thing she could do was stare. She knew that Glock was a man who could find out anything but she never knew he'd go as far as spying on her without her consent. Clover was honestly feeling as if her everything was biting in her ass at once. Not only did he know about her relations with Peter but he now knew about her daughter.

"She mine or that niggas?" Glock questioned. "And I swear if you fix your mouth to lie to me, I'm flipping this fucking table. I ain't playing no games with you right now."

Clover blinked a couple times and looked down quickly. "I-um." She mumbled.

"Use your words. You ain't no fucking child." Glock told her. When she still sat there quiet, Glock stood up. "You pissing me the fuck off Clover. I swear to God you better say-"

"She's yours." She blurted before Glock could finish.

Snapping his beard towards Clover at the sound of that, Glock walked over to where she stood and towered over her. "Repeat yourself for me." He stated. "Ion think I heard you clearly."

Clover still stared at the ground while she felt her hands start to shake. "I said she's yours" She mumbled while tears started to form at the brim of her eyes.

Glock started chucking lowly and backed away from her. Before Clover knew it, a Glock was flipping the table over. In hearing how loud everything hit the ground of the balcony, Clover jumped. "Glock please." She cried while jumping up. "Please just calm down."

Glock stepped closer to her. "Calm down? You talking about some fucking come down when you just told me the child you been hiding is mine?" He yelled in her face. "Bitch you got me fucked up. You fucking foul! I should choke your dumb ass the fuck out. Man I can't even stand to look at you. Fuck this shit."

When Glock started to walk away, Clover grabbed his arm but soon regretted it when Glock snatched out of her grip and snatched her up by her neck. "I suggest you leave me the fuck alone before I throw your ass over this balcony." He stated before letting her go and leaving.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Clover looked over at Enya. "He hates me. He won't even text me back." Clover frowned. "I just need him to talk to me."

Enya shook her head. "It's not going to be that easy. Trust me. You know Glock and you know he doesn't play when it comes down to his kids and your dumb ass done kept his child away from him for over a year Clover. A fucking year." She explained. "That ain't something to take lightly. I ain't never agree with your choice but it was your decision to make so as your friend, I respected your wishes of not wanting him to know but you we're definitely wrong as fuck. That man missed out on a lot of shit with Azura."

Clover's frown deepened. After figuring out she was pregnant around the beginning of November, Clover had automatically assumed that she was pregnant with Peter's baby considering that the month before finding out, she had slept with Peter once without protection. Clover was honestly shocked and scared at the same time so she had already made up in her mind that she didn't want to keep the baby considering her situation. She was heartbroken and sleeping with a married man. She was in no condition to be raising a child so she felt that an abortion would be the best option.

When Clover had finally went to the doctors, she learned that instead of being only 6 weeks pregnant, she was almost 10 which meant that the baby had been developed before she'd even started to sleep with Peter. In finding this out, Clover had been conflicted because she knew that she had already told Peter she was pregnant but in finding out how many months she really was, she knew that Glock was most likely the father and not Peter which was why she told him she'd gotten an "abortion" a few weeks after telling him she was pregnant.

As time went on, Clover kept her distance from him as much as possible and wore baggy clothes whenever she went out. Her and Peter had stopped sleeping together for a while after Clover lied and told him she couldn't do it anymore. Lucky enough for her he kept his distance and she carried small her whole pregnancy.

A month before going into labor, she had obtained a DNA sample from Peter without him knowing and had gotten a DNA test done. When the results came back, she learned he wasn't a match which told her everything she needed to know. Glock was the father.

With Clover still being hurt about the breakup and heartbroken about Glock not reaching out, she decided it was best not to tell him about the child for awhile. She'd never had intentions on keeping Azura from him this long but when she seen him out with another woman, she figured if he didn't want anything to do with her anymore, why would he want anything to do with their child?

In May of the next year, Clover gave birth to a beautiful and healthy Babygirl. Azura Gigi Roberts.

Through it all, Enya was by her side. She made sure she gave Clover all the advice she knew could help her while also being a supportive friend through her PPD. Enya never agreed with Clover choices to not tell Glock but she knew she couldn't force her to do so. Instead, she made sure to be there for Azura whenever Clover felt like motherhood was taking a toll on her.

With no one knowing about her being pregnant or the child, Clover had reached out to Kaleah who she kept in touch with at times to tell her about Azura. From there, Kaleah promised she'd keep it a secret and had been the one hiding out with Azura in her new home in Clayton, Georgia where she stayed to herself and off the grid.

Now that Glock knew about the child being his, Clover knew she had fucked up and that she'd have a whole lot of explaining to do. She just hoped that Glock would give her a chance to right her wrongs.

 She just hoped that Glock would give her a chance to right her wrongs

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If you're still confused after this chapter, don't be afraid to ask questions lol.

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