A table for two (Pt.1) | 08

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Baby, you should know that I'm fuckin'
with you for you
Bought the lamb truck cash,
and doubled back and bought the coupe

~ Mariah The Scientist Ft. lil baby| Always and Forever

Opportunity sometimes came knocking when you least expected it to

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Opportunity sometimes came knocking when you least expected it to. For Clover, she couldn't stop smiling about the opportunity presented to her today. She now had a chance. A chance to start on living out her dreams and doing what she wanted to do her whole life. Write. With her professor approaching her today, giving her the opportunity to write a piece for a job offer, Clover couldn't help but to feel like God had planted the opportunity in her life. She now had the chance to potentially interview for one of the top journalist companies in the world. All she had to do was write a report on someone close to her. A personal report that detailed into their life.

Clover had someone in mind but she didn't know if it would violate their friendship. Of course she could've used Enya but she already knew everything about her. Clover wanted to use Glock for the soul purpose that she was getting to know him and he was an interesting guy who did a lot for his community. All she had to do now was find a way to ask him.

After she arrived back to her apartment, she found herself sitting around in her towel waiting for Enya to show. Tonight was the night Glock was taking her out to dinner. He had sent her a message earlier today letting her know to call off work and to be ready by 8. Clover was a little hesitant but he assured her he would pay her for the time missed today, Clover couldn't help but to yes. Of course she knew she shouldn't have accepted because of how it may look but Clover wanted to spend time with him. Especially with them not seeing each other for a few days due to them both being busy.

Clover body was filled with nerves but she was excited for their non date. Glock knew she wasn't ready for anything serious so he insisted tonight wasn't a date but instead two friends enjoying each other's company. Glock wanted to make sure she was as comfortable as possible.

Hearing a knock at the door, Clover quickly jolted up from her bed and went running out to the door. Knowing it was Enya already from the way she knocked, Clover pulled the door open and grabbed Enya's arm to pull her inside. "Bitch you're late. I said be here at 6:30. It's 7:15."

Enya raised an eyebrow. "I was in traffic. What you so jittery about? You got some ding-a-ling?"

Clover frowned. "Bitch no. I'm going out with Glock in 45 minutes and I need your help with hair and an outfit."

A big smile quickly formed onto Enya face. "Oolll say less. We have little time. I'll ask how did we get here later."

Enya grabbed Clover's arm and dragged her down the hall to the bathroom. She was super happy her friend was getting out more instead of being cooped up in the house. Enya really liked Glock for Clover but she wasn't going to pressure her friend into pursuing him if she wasn't ready. Everything would come together if it was supposed to.

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