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Sitting outside of Darius house, Glock found himself watching him cut the grass while his wife sat on the steps drinking from her glass

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Sitting outside of Darius house, Glock found himself watching him cut the grass while his wife sat on the steps drinking from her glass. After having Marc run his name and sending the note, Glock was going to let his presence be known today. Especially after learning everything Darius did. Glock felt sick to his stomach and couldn't bypass the fact that Darius had hurt the girl he loves. He couldn't believe that a father could be so cruel and disgusting towards a child he created. Glock just knew he had to get his father involved for this nigga.

Taking his gun out of his pants, Glock tucked it away and stepped out the car. He was dressed in all black with his hood pulled over his head. Glock wasn't rocking his chains or anything. He simply just wanted to speak to Darius on a man to bitch type time.

As he walked up the walkway, Greta found herself growing scared while Darius stood with his hand resting on his gun. Glock took notice and started chuckling. "Relax bitch ass. Ain't nobody here to hurt your sick rapist ass." Glock spoke up earning himself a look of confusion from both Greta and Darius.

Noticing what this may have been about, Greta shook her head and stood up to head in the house. "I'll leave you two alone to speak." She mumbled.

Glock chuckled again. "That's a-shame shawty ain't even phased by you being a rapist." He shook his head. "That must be the woman who heard my girl screaming for help when you let your homie rape her correct?"

Darius clenched his jaw and stepped closer to Glock who was clearly not phased. "What the fuck do you want? You have no right showing up on my property and attacking me about things from my past." He gritted. "Did Clover send you? Is that it? Why can't she be a woman and face me herself?"

Glock bust out laughing at Darius attempt to be hard. "I think you should chill out big man. You acting all tough with me like you a real man. Nigga you a bitch." He shrugged. "You won't be seeing Clover so I suggest you stop sending your little bitches to try to get her to see you. You a sick motherfucker and I suggest you stay away from her."

Darius took a small step back. "Is that a threat?"

Glock looked him up and down. "Nah. That's a promise." He smirked before turning to walk away but before he could reach his car, he turned back around. "Oh and tell your daughter in the window up there I'm coming for her so she better thread lightly. Maybe the next time she trying to be a hard ass, she should check for all cameras before removing her mask. Dumb ass."

With that Glock got in his car and sped up. After running the camera in his office, Glock was amazed to see that it was Clover's sister who had broke into his shop and destroyed all the cameras. Glock didn't know who was rolling with her because she'd been the only one dumb enough to come into his office and like a dummy Jaylee had removed her mask thinking everything was clear.

Pulling up to Neisha's store, Glock got out and headed inside. Ignoring the look of anger Gia was giving him. He headed upstairs to Neisha's office and pushed the door open without knocking. "When is your ignorant ass going to learn you can't just come into my office without knocking?" Neisha frowned.

"Shut yo' ass up." He spoke as he took the seat in front of her desk. "I got a job for you if you willing to do it. I know you supposed to be a changed woman and shit."

Neisha leaned up to her desk. "What makes you think I'll do anything for you?" She raised and eyebrow.

"Do I need to call Marc and have him give you the run down?" Glock stared.

Neisha rolled her eyes. "Please don't mention that man's name in my presence. Plus, he has a new bitch now. She's really pretty by the way. Maybe I need to steal her for myself because Marc cheating ass don't deserve her."

Glock shook his head with a small chuckle. "Y'all crazy. Y'all both cheated on each other with y'all hoe asses. Especially you. You slept with Diego. One of our closest niggas. That was foul Neish. You can't fault him for returning the favor."

Neisha frowned. "Can we get off the subject please. What you need me to do? I'll do it only because I fuck with you and I love your mean ass."

Glock smiled. "This girl destroyed my center with some other folks." He spoke. "I only saw her face so I need answers from her."

Neisha nodded. "Can I kill her after or?"

Glock bust out laughing. That was Neisha for you. Always ready to off a female for anything. Although she have killed men before, Neisha found a thrill in killing females after they've pleaded with her for their life. It was something about someone begging her that sparked a thrill in her. That was one thing Glock liked about her. Neisha didn't play games when it came down to business.

"Just beat her ass a little and if she ain't willing to talk, put a bullet in her." Glock instructed. "Me and Marc going to be there so I suggest you put whatever feelings to the side and put the business first. I'll send you her name and address."

Neisha rolled her eyes. "I gotta' kidnap the bitch too?"

Glock stood up and laughed. "Welcome back to the business lil bit."

Once he'd left Neisha's office, Glock headed over to Clover's after picking her up some roses and some food Mama Jenkins. After storming out that night, Glock had immediately went back and explained to Clover that he just needed time to process everything she'd just told him. Of course Clover understood but she found herself breaking down and crying in his arms for the night while he held her. It was as if she could never tell the story without breaking down and feeling like she was reliving the moment over again.

Pushing the door open to her apartment, he smiled seeing her sitting there working on her paper for class. "What's up my baby."

Looking up, Clover quickly sat her things to the side and went to hug her man despite things been in his hands. "I missed you G."

Glock smiled and leaned down to peck her lips. "I missed you more Babygirl. I picked you up some food and shit."

Clover smiled while taking the things from him. "Not only did you get me roses, you got me mama Jenkins?" She pouted. "Oh yeah, you definitely getting some tonight."

Glock bust out laughing. "You so nasty."

Clover smirked. "Only for you." She spoke while bending over to do a little twerk.

Glock was one lucky man and he was determined to keep Darius and anyone else away from her for the sake of her sanity and her mental health. His woman was finally in a good place and he wasn't going to let nothing or anyone from her past try to fuck with it.

Meanwhile Jaylee sat in her room sending back to back messages to him. By now she was terrified after hearing what Glock had to say. She had no idea she was being setup to break into his business but all she knew was that she'd fucked up. Not only had she messed with the son of Calvin Roberts but she'd messed with the man's son her father had been owing money to for years.

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