Business things and Apologies | 17

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Sitting in the studio, Clover listened to the playback of her song playing throughout her ears

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Sitting in the studio, Clover listened to the playback of her song playing throughout her ears. After leaving Glock's early this morning when he didn't return, Clover found herself heading to Enya's home. Lucky enough for Clover, Enya's home had a built in studio. At this very moment Clover was super grateful for having a rich friend around.

As she sat there with her eyes closed, Clover jumped when she felt a hand touch her. "The fuck.." She mumbled while turning around in the chair quickly. She rolled her eyes and turned the music down when she seen Enya standing there with a big cheesy grin on her face. "Bitch you couldn't have just called my name instead of standing there like a creep?"

Enya laughed. "Bitch hush. I was enjoying the sound of your voice. When this dropping by the way? You sound amazing."

Clover shrugged. "Probably never. I don't even know how to get myself started with music let alone dropping it." She frowned.

Enya rolled her eyes and plopped down on the chair. "Bitch your man is a producer. Don't tell him I told you but he's working on building a studio out in LA and if I'm not mistaken, he already has one here but it isn't fully finished." She spilled.

Clover shook her head. "We'll see. What did your pregnant ass come in here bothering me for?" She questioned. "I saw Marc leaving this morning too. You ain't slick."

Enya looked away. "We'll talk about that later. Anyways, I came because I have a new business idea for you." She spoke. "I want you to be my partner with my clothing line. I know that I have never asked you before because that's not your passion but I think you'll do really good and with me being pregnant now, I need some extra help."

Clover let a goofy smile play onto her face. "How much you paying me?"

"Enough for you to quit that funky ass job you work." Enya shrugged. "You barely even go. Glock be paying you more than they do so fuck that job. You working for a real rich bitch now."

Clover laughed. "I love you. I'll be honored to be your partner baby. So when do I start?"

Enya laughed at the expression on Clover's face. "Tomorrow. I need you to do a walk through at the factory to make sure everything is going smoothly. The next drop is planned for March 1st which is in 2 weeks. I need everything perfect."

"Got it boss." Clover chuckled.

By the time Clover got home, she found herself making dinner for her and Glock tonight. Clover had reached out to him about wanting to talk and although Glock didn't respond, Clover was hoping he'd decide to show. Clover felt like she was wrong in being upset with Glock when she was the one that had called him. She knew that Glock was protecting her but she felt guilty that she had put him in that situation. Clover wasn't use to anyone coming to her defense or killing anyone over her so it took her by surprise when Glock actually had done something to fix the problem. She just didn't want any trouble falling back on him because she knew she would never forgive herself.

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