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Click. Tap. Click. Tap. Click. Tap.

Nova sat against the arm of the couch and waited for the truth after Overseer Mikean sent the estimated time of the news and decisions from the B.H Supernova. Reports on the D.S Butterfly went silent, with the slavering reporters giving up their hunt for the next juicy bit of gossip — whether it be major movements from the military or new anomalous findings from the Institution. Neo pressed the edge of his I-pen over and over while beating it against the couch while his leg bounced along while his eyes focused on the wall instead of the I-Screen while it showed a beautiful, sparkling view of the metropolis. Nova tipped her head back when raucous whoops sounded somewhere down the hall from their dorm room.


"Sorry!" He froze in an instant, snapping his attention from his usual late evening daze and silenced the clicking of his pen.

"No, not that." Nova curled around the back of the couch. "Is someone having a party?"

Neo swung around to check the time in the corner of the I-Screen before hauling himself off the couch. "I'm going to go find out," he said halfway out the door, where it slid closed behind him.

Nova shook her head and returned to her bliss in her own presence without the loud hollers and sounds and everything which overwhelmed her but Neo thrived in. Datascroll resting in her lap, she listened to the hum of their dorm room while lights glittered outside the windows. Ships hovered along set paths over the city, from giant transports carrying goods from outlying systems to passenger ships landing in the heart of the city.

Nova lifted her head from the soothing white noise at a chirp from their mailpod. Her heart slammed in response to its gentle chirping at unanswered messages with the school logo sprawled across the screen. Over the couch arm, she raced for it to get her answer, to release herself from the prison of suspense. It fumbled in her fingers as she attached the little pod into her datascroll.

Wait, this isn't mine, it's... Nova scoffed as she read through it. And... that's not a surprise, but what about... One more tab for her personal truth, her goal, the work she put in for the single moment. It swelled in her heart when it glowed with words on the screen, and she shuffled to the couch, leaning against the wall while she read it all, missing nothing. Footsteps echoed with her heartbeat, and the door slid open to let the light in.

"As it turns out, it wasn't a party, but I did see Ty asking around for one. Guess he heard the noise and thought someone took initiative." Neo closed the door behind him, but stopped on the edge of shadow. "Nova?"

"It came in," she rasped and tucked the datascroll against her chest while Neo frowned. "Whether we got the Internships or not — and to no one's surprise but your own, I'm sure." Nova flicked to the tab and held it out to him. "You got picked for the Anomalous Research Internship. The whole nine yards, Neo. You must've really impressed the scientist they sent, but that was never a debate to be had. You were a cinch the moment you signed up for it."

Neo took a step closer into the dorm and tangled his fingers together with a nervous squeeze. "Nova, what about you?"

I almost feel bad.

"Oh, you know..." Nova pushed her lips into a smile and begged for her skills to be enough. "Things happen and sometimes don't happen. I'm okay."

I'm going to need to call Dad and tell him the news.

Neo tipped his head. "It's okay if you're not okay, Nova. I know you really wanted this."

More than anything.

"We can watch your ghost hunting show," Neo said into a deft quickness. "I'm sure that'll help — or we can do something else if you want to take your mind off it. If it'll help." He pressed his hands into his cheeks with a huff through his nose. "I'm not doing this right, am I?"

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